Deputy: Ready?
Racheal: Lets do it.
They reach the very northern tip of Falls End. What happens next (at least too the Deputy) takes only seconds too happen. They are ambushed by The Peggies. They both fire back but are vastly outgunned. The Deputy quickly turns the car around and heads back too the Whitetail Mountains. However Racheal is wounded and knocked out, as the Deputy tries too look at her their car is side swiped by a semi truck and sent into the woods. The Deputy manages too regain control but not before hitting a tree. The car still works but is severely damaged. She waits as the Peggies check the car too see if they are alive. Once they are out of sight she gets the car out of the woods and back on the road.
Deputy: I have too get us somewhere..... please Racheal hold on.... please.
The Deputy remembers the area from when her and Burke escaped Josephs compound...
Deputy: Dutchs island is close by.... *The car begins too die* Keep going you piece of shit!!!!!
Just as they reach the island the car finally quits. The Deputy drags Racheal out. She hasn't set foot on this island since she first left it but she remembers where Dutchs bunker is. The Deputy is tired from dragging Racheals dead weight but still has the strength too beat on his bunker door with a branch.
Deputy: Dutch!!!!! Open the fucking door now!!!!!!!!!
The bunker door opens as Dutch steps out. The Deputy drags herself and Racheal right past him and down too his medical area.
Dutch: What they fuck happened!?
Deputy: We where ambushed. Please help her she has been shot!!!
Dutch: What about you!?
Deputy: I'm fine... just help her!!!...… please.
Dutch begins too work on Racheal but in the Deputies panic she doesn't realize that Dutch doesn't now of her helping out. So after looking at her wounds Dutch removes Racheals mask and when he sees her face he jumps back and is drawing his pistol. It takes the Deputy a few seconds too realize Dutch is about too shot her, so she draws Racheals pistol from her holster and meets Dutch gun too gun.
Dutch: What the fuck is she doing here!!!!!!
Deputy: I can explain!!!
Dutch: What is there too explain!? She is a fucking Seed for Gods sake!!!! I'm gong too fucking kill her.
Deputy: Don't you fucking dare!!!!
The Deputy stands between Dutch and Racheal. Dutch can't get a clear shot.
Dutch: Out of the way Deputy!
Deputy: Fuck you!!! Over my dead body!!!
Dutch: Must have been a nice bullshit sob story she sold you too protect a lying and manipulating piece of shit like her.
Deputy: You have no idea what we have been through.
Unknown too them Racheals radio is on and is transmitting. Nearby Jess Black picks up Dutch and Deputy arguing. It is mostly shouting but she knows something is up so she hurries too her uncles bunker. She gets and can hear them clearly. She enters and goes too the medical area. When at the door way she sees the Deputy and her uncle holding each other at gun point and she sees Racheal.... or Faith Seed as she knows her. Jess recognizes her clothes and weapons. Jess thinks back too Racheal helping her and taking too the Deputies location at the Veterans Center.
Jess: (I had a gut feeling at was who I thought it was. There is no way in hell i'm wrong that is Faith Seed on that bed. But that isn't the person that helped me...)
The Deputy notices Jess standing at the doorway...
Deputy: Jess?
*Dutch turns around*
Jess: Uncle Dutch... Deputy....
Jess walks into the room and lowers both their guns....
Dutch: What are you doing?
Jess: Uncle Dutch.... help her.
*Dutch is about too saying but Jess stops him*
Jess: That is Faith Seed on that bed..... but that person helped me. She helped me kill The Cook. She read me
like an open book and made me realize that even though I had my revenge it didn't do a damn thing for me. I toke that person too Jacob Seed compound and she snuck in on her own without my help. She helped free the Deputy from Jacob Seed. I don't know what her real name is but isn't Faith Seed.
Deputy: She has been helping since we were in the Henbane together. I toke her in, I trained her... *The Deputy then starts crying* We are the same..... I didn't kill her because we have both struggled with addiction.... I saw it in eyes and on her face. What she has been through is.....
Dutch: Don't make excuses for her....
Deputy: She knows she is a monster. Twisted by an evil sick fuck. But she has been getting pay back. She broke Jacob Seed for gods askes Dutch.
*Jess and The Deputy make Dutch reluctantly agree too help*
Dutch: Alright.... I will help.
Dutch works on Racheal. After removing her clothes and gear everyone is surprised that Racheal wore body armor. Based on how it looks she wore it for sometime. The armor has taken a lot of hits, 4 in the front and 8 in the back all from the ambush. Dutch notes that if it wasn't for the vest she would be dead. After a while Dutch is finished with Racheal.
Dutch: The wound on her shoulder is fixed up. Round went right through. That her shooting shoulder?
Deputy: She is a righty.
Dutch: She will still be able too shot then. Got some bruised ribs and maybe a concussion but she will live.
*The Deputy sighs in relieve*
Dutch: But she ain't staying here.
*The Deputy still has Racheals pistol in her hand and points it at Dutch*
Deputy: Why the fuck not!?
Dutch: I'm not having a Seed in my bunker.
Deputy: Dutch!!!
Jess: I'll watch her Uncle Dutch. I'll take care of her.
Dutch: She doesn't leave this room. When she well enough she will leave.
The Deputy grabs Dutch by the collar and drags him out of the room and tells him "If one hair is missing from her body then I will fucking shot you!!!" The Deputy walks back into the room and then back out past Dutch and Jess and leaves Bunker. As she does a storm in coming in from the north. In Racheals unconscious mind is Faith in the land of Bliss....
Faith: Well Racheal what are you going too do now? Here you are lying on a bed out cold with a hole in your arm and other injuries. Can't help the Deputy now can you.
Suddenly darkness appears on the horizon. Faith sees Racheal walking toward her. As Racheal walks the darkness begins over taking Faiths world. She stops short of Faith, half the world in darkness and the Bliss.
Racheal: I guess it is time for the Monster too come out and play. Time for the darkness within me too take over and rain wrath and hell down on Project Edens Gate and 'The Father." It is time too reveal myself too Hope County...
Racheal raises her arms up too the heavens (mimicking Joseph Seed) and the darkness envelopes her completely. Faith starts back pedaling but the Darkness doesn't over take her.
Racheal: You can not follow me too where I am going.....
Faith doesn't know where she is but respondes with "The Deputy left your pistol under the pillow Racheal....." In the darkness of her heart, mind and soul Racheal hears this and simply says "Thank you Deputy." Racheal then wakes up. The room is unfamiliar too her but she knows she is underground. She can hear the sound of water traveling through the pipes. She notices the IV in her arm and tires too move but feels a sharp pain in her left shoulder so she doesn't test it and relaxes. She hears muffled talking from somewhere in the bunker but can't make out what is being said. Moments later the door opens and Dutch walks in with a new IV bag. He sets it on the counter then turns too leave but feels someone watching him. He looks in Racheals direction and sees her with her pistol trained on him
Dutch: Got a lot of nerve pointing a gun at me.
Racheal: Don't fucking move a muscle.
*Racheal notices Dutch is carrying a gun and unsafety's hers*
Racheal: Don't even think about it old man. I'm pretty good at this shoot'en stuff. Thank the Deputy.
Dutch: I know all about you Faith Seed. Not that I buy any of it.
Racheal: Name is Racheal Jessop asshole. Faith Seed is dead and buried.... along with Jacob Seed.
Jess Black enters the room and calms things down, forcing her uncle out. She grabs a chair and sits down next too Racheal.
Jess: I got too give you credit girl. Had me fooled even though I had a gut feeling you where who I thought you where.
Racheal: Then why didn't you put an arrow threw my face? Had plenty of time too do so.
Jess: You and The Deputy are buddies. She would probably kick my ass or worse.Racheal: Is that the only reason Jess?
*Jess doesn't say anything*
Racheal: Are you afraid of me Jess?
Jess: Nope. Don't have a reason too be. Like I said too Uncle Dutch, you maybe Faith Seed but in name only. For all you have done with Jacob Seed and helping the Deputy and the resistance out there. From my point of view and i'm no saint.... you got a 2nd chance.
Racheal: I have more chances then you can count....
Jess: Perhaps. But this one you have too make count. I'll get you something too eat.
Jess is back in no time with some food. While Racheal eats she changes her bandages and put in the IV bag Dutch got. Racheal comments about her past drug addiction, Jess tells her not too worry. Jess gets a few more things for her before Racheal gets sleepy. Though before sleeping Racheal asks Jess a favor...
Jess: You want me too do what?
Racheal: You heard me.
Jess: Why?
Racheal: Just do it Jess.
Jess: It'll take time but I will do my best. Uncle Dutch will not like it.
Jess explains too her Uncle what Racheal wants too do. Dutch is okay with it.
Dutch: If she has a death wish, then i'll let her have it.
Dutch and Jess set up a broadcast for Racheal too all of Hope County. Though they have too wait a day more because of the storm. High winds, heavy rain with snow and thunder and lighting. A signal too the whole county will not be possible during this storm. So this give Racheal time too think and stir. The time however comes....
Jess: We are ready.
Racheal: Help me get dressed.
Jess helps Racheal out then helps her too the room where she will make her "speech" though Racheal asks for her MS16 and 1911 pistol. Dutch has the camera in position...
Dutch: Alright.... Hope County is yours Faith.
Around the county on TV a picture appears. Only a few places have TVs but people gather around them including the Seed brothers. Racheal walks into the shot, sets her rifle and pistol on the table and sits on the chair.
Racheal: Attention citizens of Hope County. Project Edens Gate is on its last legs. Only Falls End remains. One more push and it will be all over. I along with the Deputy will aid you along the way. But I think it is time too reveal myself; I am the Deputies friend who has helped her free the Henbane and Whitetail Mountain regions of the County.
Racheal removes the mask hiding her face. Too those who know who she really is (Deputy Pratt, the Deputy herself, Tracey and Jess Black) aren't surprised but everyone else is freaking out.
Deputy: The hell is she doing.
Tracey: Racheal.
Racheal: My name is Racheal Jessop.... or Faith Seed too those whom I have done much harm too. I'm not dead. I'm am alive and well. But what i'm gong too say next is for Project Edens Gate and "The Father." You created this monster before you.... and now the monster wants too play. Wants revenge... I want you too see me coming so I can kill everything single one of you. Wrath will rained down apon you all....including you Joseph Seed. I'll save you for last. But first is you Brother John. I'm going too take something away from you. Something you hold dear. Something that hleps you spread the power of "YES" too everyone. And no it isn't the damn sign... it is something else. Don't worry brother John i'll let you see it before I destroy it.
The feed cuts out and the after math starts. Those who know try too explain too those that don't know and it doesn't go over very well. Even the Peggies are freaking out but Joseph is calm.
John: What now Brother?
Joseph: She obviously beliefs the lies of those that speak against us. Speed the up the indoctrination of our new sister.
John: Alright but what "her?" We taught her everything she knows about us.
Joseph: You are correct but not too worry. We still have God on our side. This doesn't change his plan.
Back at Dutchs bunker Racheal is out of the medical area and resting in the same bedroom The Deputy was in. The Deputy asks too speak with her.
Deputy: I hope you have a really good damn explanation Racheal!
Racheal: I know what I am doing Dep.
Deputy: You are putting everyones fires out with gasoline.
Racheal: More chaos the better.
Deputy: What the fuck is wrong with you!?
Racheal: You'll see...
Racheal shuts the radio off before the Deputy can respond. Jess walks in and is ready for another bandage change.
Racheal: Need another favor Jess.
Jess: Oh no. Not this time.
Racheal: Hear me out...
*****************************The next day at night********************************
Jess: You sure about this?
Racheal: You ain't changing my mind.
Jess and Racheal are going by boat south along the river splitting Falls End and Henbane. The end of the river is John Seeds house and the only airfield in Falls End. Racheal is gearing up. She has her tried and trusted MS16, 1911 pistol and a compound bow. With her shoulder still bothering her she decides to forgo the shotgun she got from Dutch (the 1887) but it is in the boat. Racheal also has new gear (tactical rig, body armor, knee and elbow pads), new clothes (dark camouflage) and his wearing face paint (*Going for a MGS3 Zombie face paint look*) and gloves (Skeleton).
Jess: Almost there. I'll shut the engine off and glide in. Then....
Racheal: I know.
They reach the dock at the back of John Seed ranch and Racheal disembarks. She checks her weapons and tells Jess "Radio you when i'm done.... if don't return then you'll know." Racheal quietly makes her way up the hill until reaching the green house section close too the ranch. She sees no one so she quietly continues advancing until she sees the ranch house. Guards patrol outside and mostly inside. The storm hasn't caused much damage too the ranch.
Racheal: Outside first then inside.
Racheal first starts by shutting off the power too ranch. With only the moon light and dark shadows present she begins too kill the Peggie guards one by one. One manages too catch of her rushing between the shadows. He yells out for help but only meet his end with a bullet between the eyes. The remaining guards inside are alerted but since the power is cut the radio doesn't work. Meanwhile Racheal enters the ranch house. Outside the hanger is Johns plane, inside is a plane she has never seen before. She makes her way up the stairs and enters the main house. There is a hallway that leads into the living room and other areas. Inside the living room from the second floor she sees 2 guards covering the main and back entrance too the living room. She watches them but they do see her soon enough. But due too the mix of moon light and darkness (and her clothes, face paint and gloves) the 2 peggies are scared shitless and motionless. She maintains eye contact with them as she makes her way (very slowly) down the stairs. When at the base of the stairs she stops and just stares at them. One of them eventually one of them yells out "Hellspawn!" and Racheal responses with "You damn right" and then kills the both of them. The remaining guards enter but are quickly killed as well. She then begins by kicking in every door looking for John personal possessions, even entering his bedroom (wrecking it in the process) and taking things outside. Once she has gathered most of what she can outside she radios Jess.
Racheal: Come on up Jess. All clear.
Jess: Gimmie a second.
*Jess makes it up in no time*Jess: What are you doing with that stuff.
Racheal: Burning it. His plane is outside the hanger. Got any explosives?
Jess: Yeah.
Racheal: Bring'em up. I found a lap top and camera in Johns room, rather fancy. Maybe we can do another broadcast.
Jess brings up the explosives and Racheal continues building a pill of Johns stuff outside. Jess works out how too (with Dutchs help via radio) too broadcast out a signal. When ready Racheal grabs the camera and starts...
Racheal: Brother John.... Brother Joooooooooooohn. You see this stuff? All of this is yours. *Racheal ignites a flare*. All this is what you have gained over the years and here in Hope County.
Racheal throws the flare on the pill and sets it ablaze. Having seens this John chimes via radio.
John: When that fire dies out and so do you. Maybe i'll stuff you with the ashes mount you on my wall.
Racheal: Not done yet Brother John. Got one more thing too show you...
Racheal walks too the hanger where outside it is Johns personal plane. The plane is lined with explosives from tail too nose. Racheals hand appears on screen, showing holding the detonator.
John: I'll write every sin imaginable on your body and I will cut each one off until there is only bone remaining!!!
*Racheal pans the camera around too herself. The site of her gives those watching and John himself pause. She lets out a rather mocking yet scary Faith Seed like giggle before saying "Bring it.... bitch."*
She presses the detonator and up goes the plane in brilliant fire ball. Parts and pieces fly everywhere. The light caused by the fire illuminate Racheal, making her already "different" appearance even more eerie. She drops the camera with only the fiery remains of Johns plane remain.
Racheal: There is more where that came from. Maybe I should burn down your house? Or maybe I will just it for myself? I don't know... rather nice place though.
John: You fucking... *Insert a certain C-word here*
Racheal: You know it.... Oh and one more thing. I broke you brother Jacob. I broke him into a sack of screaming, crying and shitting impluses. And I enjoyed every second of it. I turn a strong, capable solider into a child. He could have stopped all this, stopped you Joseph. And he didn't. I"m going too finish his job.
Racheal then destroys the camera, stopping the feed. She then sits down on a nearby rock and just stares at what remains of Johns plane. Jess Black just watches in awe and is a bit frighten.
Jess: I've seen some shit in my time but this takes the fucking cake.
Deputy: Jess? Racheal?
Jess: Deputy?
Deputy: Take it you captured that place?
Jess: Well yeah.
Deputy: Sending some people right now too hold it. Suggest you go back too Dutches island until we fully get the area under control.
Jess: Roger that.
Jess cautiously approaches Racheal. Racheal turns too look at her and extends her hand as if too say "help me walk." Jess helps Racheal back too the boat and they go back too Dutches island. A mix from the Hope County Cougars and Whitetail Militia secure the area around The Seed Ranch and make it s starting point for taking back Falls End.
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