On the sprawling city planet of Coruscant, in the Uscru District Galaxies Opera House 2 cloaked figures watch a ballot from the upper seats. Enjoying the ballot they discuss things.
"When will be informed by our contact?"
"Soon. Have patience."
The women next too the male is restless, fidgeting.
"Be calm. At peace. The Force will guide us. As it always has and it always will."
The women relaxes, hearing wisdom in his words.
"Yes..... my love."
The female reaches out and place her hand on his, he returns the gesture with a gentle squeeze. They are bonded through the Force, their feelings. Though their back grounds couldn't be anymore different. The male was once a Padawan of the Jedi the other was a apprentice of the Sith. They met on the battle field. During their duel however they came too a realization that what they were doing was wrong.
They were fighting for ideologies (Jedi and Sith) that have fought for millennia, worlds have been destroyed, millions dead and other untold stories of horror. So they put away their weapons and talked. The Padawan noted that those the Sith was full of hate but not anger. Not enough too strike someone down. The Sith noted the Padawan had a sliver of the darkside inside him. They were about too go their separate ways when the sith apprentices Master appeared wanted the Padawan dead. His apprentice refused, so her Master would blast her Force lighting. Unable too watch her die, the Padawan jumped in, protecting her. He fought well against the Sith Master but was eventually overwhelmed. About too be struck down, the sith apprentice gives into the darkside but in doing so protects the Padawan as a result. She kills her master brutally and his guards when they arrive.
She is lost in her rage when a voice screams out "STOP!". She freezes, the voice is loud as if spoken through a magnifier. She turns around and the Padawan has his hand out for her too take.
"Come with me. Come too the light. Don't live that life anymore." She was in pain, hurt. She takes his hand and they return too the Jedi temple. There she reveals her past and opens up. The Jedi say they will help her but she must lose her attachment too the Padawan. As such things were forbidden by the Jedi.
"No... I will not. You Jedi are so simple minded. The Force wills our bond, he saved me." The Jedi again express the lose of such an attachment but she refuses again. They ask the Padawan too talk too her but he too refuses.
"There is something at work here Masters. Don't you see it? The Force is working with us." A few days later the pair approach the Jedi Council with an statement.
"We are leaving Masters. Leaving too study the Force our own way. We wish too protect the galaxy with knowledge and power. The Force can give us that but we must study it in all its forms."
The Council protests but they have made up their minds and peacefully leave the temple on a cargo ship for Tatoonie. Tatoonie is the only place were they can mediate in peace, be one with each other and the Force. They only reveal themselves if they must but overall keep a low profile, traveling from settlement too settlement gathering information from travelers and smugglers. They travel the across the galaxy learning from places steaming with the Force. They return too Tatooonie too rest and look over their information before again leaving once again. This time their information leads them too Coruscant where someone with information will lead them too their next destination.
As the ballot finishes, a communicator starts beeping.
"That's him."
The male gets up and talks for a few moments before returning.
"Come. Let's go."
The pair leave the ballot and travel by taxi too near their destination. After departing it is only a short walk but they suddenly surrounded by thugs.
"Give us your money."
"We don't have any."
"Lift up your robs, show us."
"You will really don't want us too."
"Do it!!!!"
The female looks at her partner.
"It appears they are giving us no choice my love."
"Have at it."
The female reveals her hand from her robs and slowly begins too close it. As she does the thugs begin coughing and gasping for air. The male approaches the leader and suddenly the thugs face is alight with red from a lightsaber.
"We are no Jedi. Far from it."
The thugs struggle. The male places his hand on each of their foreheads and using the Force makes them pass out and erases having ever met them.
"What did you do?"
"Erased their memories. A Jedi trick. Useful in certain situations. Come, we are wasting time."
With the thugs out cold they go and meet their contact. The meeting goes well. The pair get information about the tomb of a long dead Jedi Grand Master. Armed with their info they aboard their ship (A modified Y-wing). And head off into the dark reaches of space. In the dark reach they exit hyperspace. In their view is a lush planet, greens and blues cover the surface as do white puffy clouds.
"Is that it?"
"Yes. It is."
"Hm..... I sense the Force here on this planet."
"As do I."
They land on the planet at a settlement, pay the fees and rent a speeder. The Force guides them too a cave. Some way inside the cave it becomes too dark too see they turn on their light sabers. The darkness is alight with red and white. With at least some light they quicken their pace deeper into the cave. They eventually see light.
"Must be the end. Come."
"I feel the Force around us."
As they get closer they realize that where the light is coming from, they see a room. The closer they get the bigger the room becomes. When they enter the room it is big with cracks in the ceiling letting the light in from the outside.
"This room.... is filled with the light side of the Force. It is so peaceful here."
The female removes her hood, she appears in her mid 20's. Very beautiful with blue eyes and light brown hair. Her time as a Sith and use of the darkside of the Force hasn't degraded her physical looks at all.
"I feel wonderful here."
"Is that all?"
The male removes his hood. he too appears too be in his mid 20's with brown eyes and brownish hair. He smirks at his partner, whom is dancing around in joy.
"Don't hurt yourself. *giggle*"
"Come and join me. This is wonderful"
"Nope i'm good. That is all you...."
Suddenly, a voice pierces the silence of the room.
"Who are you?"
With lighting speed they ignite their lightsabers (with the male drawing a blaster pistol along with his lightsaber) and they begin searching the room but find no one.
"Who are you?"
The voices echos around the chamber. The pair are at a lose. They haven't seen anyone or sense anyone (or anyone with the Force) in the chamber.
"Show yourself!!!" The female orders with annoyance and anger in her voice. Suddenly in front of them a person appears. The pair can sense the Force at work. The ghost appears young and is female. The male remembers the Force ghost.
("That is who we are looking for!")
The male holsters his blaster and lightsaber and bows.
"Grand Master Shan. My apologizes."
The female too quickly holsters her lightsaber and bows.
GM Shan: Who are you? What are you doing here?
The pair stop bowing and raise.
"We seek knowledge Grand Master."
GM Shan: knowledge? Knowledge of what?
"Of the Force Grand Master."
Grand Master Shan is puzzled. These two people come into her resting place and ask for knowledge of the Force. But she can tell that have a strong connection too the Force. But she also sense other things...
GM Shan: I sense the darkside in the both of you. But I also sense the light..... strange. You are puzzled about the Force yet have a strong connection too the Force.
"We are a shadow in the light."
"We are a flicker in the darkness."
"There is no lightside nor a darkside."
"There is only the Force."
"The Force guides us."
Grand Master Shan hears these words and reflects on them.
GM Shan: (For ones so young they have a great understanding. The Force is their ally and yet their guide. They are in balance and they balance each other.) What knowledge do you seek?
"How you used the Force Grand Master. How it helped you."
Grand Master Shan walks too the other side of the room.
GM Shan: Behind here rests my holocron. Take it, study it. Just be sure you return it.
With the upmost care and respect they take the holocron back too Tatoonie. For weeks on end they study Shans holocron. While they disagree with some of what they find, overall it is a very knowledgeable experience. They return too the holocron too its resting place. Grand Master Shan appears too greet them.
GM Shan: If you ever have anymore questions... i'll be here.
"Thank you for the offer Grand Master. But know in order too keep the balance we must know more the about the other side of the Force. Those who use the Force for evil. We must know more so we can counter it."
They leave the Grand Masters resting place and head out too another far corner of the Galaxy. In search of knowledge.
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