(Just as a foot note this will take place with a Female Deputy and unlike the actual story for the Deputy, depending on whos region you enter first the Deputy will have a different back story. Since Faiths region is entered first, this is the fanfiction about that)
The battle was long and grueling but in the end you defeated Faith. Both of you are barely standing and blooded. She tells you that you were start and you will be the end. However you know of her reputation for being a master liar and manipulator but you also know of her past. The abuse, the drugs, her real name. After her speech she reaches out too you, you draw your pistol and aim right at her chest. Faith takes a step toward you but you hold firm. Quickly checking the magazine on your pistol.
Deputy: (*grunt* Empty)
You drop the magazine with the realization that there is one round left. Faith takes another stop toward you, you still stand your ground. it is up until this point you look Faith right into her eyes and what you see make you pause.
Deputy: (She.... she is crying....)
The Bliss had done a good job in distorting reality around you but not enough too ruin the details. Tears flow from Faiths eyes and the look in her eyes is something you've never seen before. She is broken, beaten and lost. She is looking for help and you are the only person standing in front of her right now.
Deputy: I will free you from this life.
Faith lowers her out stretched arm and closes her eyes, bravely awaiting her end....
A shot rings out, echoing in the small valley you and Faith are in. Faith opens her eyes surprised she is still breathing. The Deputy stands in front of her, smoke coming from her pistol, Faiths turns around too the river behind her. Small ripples appears on the waters surface.
Faith: (She.... she missed!?!?!)
Faith turns back too the deputy, whom is in the process of throwing her gun away. The Deputy beings walking toward Faith, who is wide eyed with surprise. The Deputy beings rolling up one of her shelves. When only a few feet away Faith can see what is on the Deputies arm. She sees small, little red dots. They look old. Something inside Faiths mind makes the connection.
Faith: (Needle marks!?!?)
Without warning the Deputy embraces Faith.
Deputy: I've been where you have been. Finding comfort in a needle when everyone else will not comfort you. But the thing is, your demons always come back. I was saved not by God. But by a police officer who didn't give up me. It is because of that officer I got a new lease on my life and wanted too save others. Racheal Jessop I just saved you.
Faith breaks down and embraces the Deputy. Not even The Father has spoken too her in such a manner. Even in her pain, the Deputy gives Faith comfort. The Bliss eventually fades away, leaving both of them next too a river in the Henbane Region of Hope County. The Deputy eventually releases Faith, places her hands on Faiths shoulders and says "Lets get out of here." You help Faith too a nearby truck, help her inside and then enter yourself. The truck takes a few tries too start but eventually does. As you drive you are relieved too see no one out the roads and with it being night out, the moon provides enough light so that you don't have too have headlights on. As you drive you realize that The Father will sending people after you for capturing their sister, a radio broadcast confirms it. You quickly shut off the radio so Faith doesn't hear more of it. Faith is curled up in a ball, quietly sobbing. You leave her be for the moment too think...
Deputy: (I have too get us some place for the night, too rest and eat....... Seeleys Cabin. Perfect!)
You hightail it too Seeleys Cabin, which features a underground bunker with all they need for a spell. After getting near enough you park the truck in woods, help Faith out and help too the bunker and down the ladder. You lock the hatch once both of you are inside. You treat Faiths injuries and your own as best you can before hitting the sack.
Deputy: Lets rest for the night. Tomorrow will be a new day.
Faith closes her eyes and before you get too the bunk on top she is already out cold. It doesn't take long before you too fall asleep. Sometime during the night you awaken too Faith getting out of the bunk below. You are instantly alerted but instead of heading up the ladder, Faith goes too use the washroom and returns too the bunk.
You wake up before faith and make breakfast.
Faith: What smells so good?
Deputy: Well hello there Sleeping Beauty. Eggs, Spam and fruit.
Faith sleepy goes too the table and sits. You place the food in front of her and leave too get some fresh air. When you return Faith has eaten everything on the plate and happily smiling for more. You make more and some for yourself. When the both of you are finished you exit the bunker.
Faith: So what know?
Deputy: Well I need more gear. A Prepper Stash is nearby. I'm not leaving you alone so you are coming with me. If something happens too me, you come here and stay here. Got it?
Faith nods her head and you both head for the prepper stash. The journey is silent between them as the hike too the location. When there it is already being watched by the Cult.
Deputy: Well that figures....
Faith: We turning back?
Deputy: Nope. I want that gear so I'm taking them out.
Faith: You don't have any weapons!!!
Deputy: Not every problem can be solved with a bullet. You will see.
Faith stays put while the Deputy takes out all the Cultists quickly and quietly. With the coast clear Faith joins the Deputy at the Stashes entrance. The Deputy forces her way into the stash, inside it is dark so the Deputy hits a light switch.
Deputy: Well hello there.....
The room is full of weapons and equipment. All the Deputy needs. Faith has seen guns before but not this amount. While the Deputy loads up, Faith just looks around.
Faith: (These people were really ready for the worst...)
Deputy: Heads up!
*The Deputy throws Faith some new clothes*
Deputy: Time for "Faith" too become Racheal Jessop.
While "Faith" changes the Deputy backs a Truck up too the stash and starts unloading. "Faith" is finished in short order too help.
Deputy: Well look at you.
"Faith": Do I look okay?
Deputy: More then okay. No one will know you are Faith Seed.
After loading up the truck they take a break for a few minutes. While resting the Deputy decides too teach Rachel how too protect herself, how too hunt and fish.
Deputy: I can't protect you all the time. Hope County needs me. Eventually you will be on your own but I will give the skills needed too do so.
The pair drive too Prosperity, a small town in "Faith" region of Hope County. It is out of the way so no one will bother them but the Deputy makes some "arrangements" too protect the entrance just in case. After unloading some gear, the Deputy gives "Faith" a weapon. A child would normally use one of these.
"Faith": A slingshot?
Deputy: Have you ever fired a gun before?
"Faith": Well... no.
Deputy: Then you will use one of these competently, then we will move up too the bigger stuff.
"Faith" Starts taking shots at the manikins and make shift targets the Deputy sets up. Then the Compound bow is put through its paces. "Faith" Prefers using it, so the Deputy lets her practice on her own before moving onto throwing knifes. The final test is putting "Faith" Through an obstacle course, hitting moving targets and pushing her physical limits. At the end of the day you park the truck under some scaffolding and create a shelter over the bed of the truck and build a small fire. After a meal you and "Faith" sack out for the night (You in the bed of the Truck, "Faith" in the back seat of the cab.)
"Faith": Deputy?
Deputy: Yeah?
"Faith": What happened too the police officer that saved you?
*Silence. It is so quiet that "Faith" wonders what is taking the Deputy so long too answer. Before she asks again the Deputy answers*
Deputy: He was killed in a shootout...
"Faith": I'm sorry...
Deputy: He is the reason why I came a Sheriffs Deputy. So I could help people.... save them.
"Faith" Wonders if God sent the Deputy too save her. You both fall asleep. In the middle of the night the Deputy is awaken by Racheal dreaming. You can't tell what she is dreaming about but you know it isn't good. Awhile later you her quietly sobbing, whatever she was dreaming about greatly upset her. In the morning you begin too teach "Faith" how too use firearms safely and effectively. The 1911, M133, MS16 and AR-CL are the weapons given. One by one "Faith" uses them, cleans and generally gets too know them. By the end of the day, "Faith" has choices too make.
Deputy: I'm not telling you what too use it is your choice. But what you pick must fit situations you will find yourself in.
"Faith" takes the Compound Bow, 1911, M133 and MS16. Add mods too her liking. At night the pair settle down and eat.
"Faith": Here Deputy.
Deputy: What is that?
"Faith": My "gate" and the directions too get there. Your Sheriff is there. Don't worry they still think I am captured and will do him or the rest no harm.
Deputy: Rachel....
"Faith": Go and save him. I'll be alright.
The next morning the Deputy leaves too Sheriff Whitehorse but before doing so finds a note from Racheal.
"Thank you for saving Rachel Jessop. But Faith Seed still lives..... inside me. I dream about her at night. We fight and fight until I wake up. But I'm stronger then she thinks thanks too you. I'll fight her every minute of everyday until she is gone. But Faith Seed still has something useful for me... knowledge. Knowledge of the Bliss and she has the cure. I'll get it so you can save her "Angels". But it will take time Deputy. I need too be on my own too fight her and a bullet isn't going solve my problems. God sent you too me too help me and The Father is wrong about you. I'll be in touch Deputy.
Racheal Jessop"
As the Deputy travels too the underground missile silo too rescue Sheriff Whitehorse, somewhere in southeast region of Hope County, Racheal Jessop walks alone with her thoughts, guns, food and her faith. Faith that one day she will become a new person, a stronger person.
Rachel: One day Deputy... one day will repay the favor.
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