The Last of Us was released in 2013. Lets just say it was received with great acclaim and many awards. This review will not do it justice at all but here it goes.
The Plot for the game is here.
Characters: Joel: At the start of the game here is in his 20's. By the time you play him he is in his late 40's. He operates as a black market smuggler in the Boston QZ (Quarantine Zone). He is tasked with taking a girl named Ellie out of the city. He is ruthless and cynical and suffers from PTSD after losing his young daughter Sarah right at the start of the CBI outbreak.
Ellie: Was born shortly after the CBI outbreak. She doesn't know of how the world was before the CBI started but knows how harsh the current world is. She is 14 years old and wise beyond her years. She is immue from the CBI and because of that she is very valuable too the paramilitary group Fireflyes too use her for creating a vaccine.
Tess: Born in the 1990's, Tess is a smuggler like Joel is. They have worked together for a long time and trust each other. She is killed by government forces while buying Joel and Ellie time too escape (she is also bitten).
Bill: Born in the 1990's Bill is in Lincoln, Massachuseets during the events of the game. Like Joel and Tess he is a smuggler that works with Joel and Tess. When Ellie and Joel reach Lincoln Bill isn't happy too see them. With his help they fight through infected and Joel escapes with Ellie in a car.
Tommy: Joels younger brother. After the CBI the brother struggled too survive but they do survive. Though the strain shows when Tommy leaves for the Fireflys. However he soon leaves them and Joel behind. After many years the brother meet up in Wyoming.
Marline: Leader of the Fireflys. She was friends with Ellies mother. She toke care of Ellie when her mother died. She tasks Joel and Tess too take Ellie too the Fireflys.
Enemies: You have humans of course but also have infected enemies too avoid or kill. I will discuss the infected enemies.
Runners: Only just recently infected. Usually after 1-2 days. Runners are fast and agile but have poor eyesight and are still 'human.' They can be killed with just about anything. They hunt in packs and are very dangerous when in packs. Orange eyes are their most noted feature. It is the 1st stage of infection.
Stalkers: Are just like Runners but more fierce. Their eyesight is just about gone and use a very poor form of echo-location. Stalkers are more dangerous then Runners because they hide and ambush those unaware. Directly charging them swiftly. It is the 2nd stage of infection and lasts between a 1 week too a month after the 1st stage and lasts up too 1 year.
Clickers: This enemy is very dangerous and is much stronger then Stage 1 or 2. The name Clicker comes from the noise they make. It sort of acts like echo-location. They don't appear human anymore and are deeply scared and change due too their fungal infection (the face area.) When clickers are alerted they are fast and deadly. You can't fight them hand too hand as they will overwhelm you every time. It takes more then 1 year too get too the 3rd stage of infection.
Bloaters: The final form of infection, taking 10 years or more too reach. Bloaters are covered in fungal plates that act like armor. Only armor piercing rounds that get through it. Bloaters are very aggressive but very slow. They throw sacks of mycotoxin at people from distance but do not under any circumstances fight them hand too hand. They are too strong and powerful for that. The use of fire is highly recommended in dealing with Bloaters. It makes their armor brittle and easier too get through.
Weapons: There are weapons too use and are split into categories:
Long Gun:
Hunting Rifle: At first a single shot weapon but can be upgraded too a 3 shot weapon. Can be scoped and is very useful at long range but not short do too low rate of fire.
Shotgun: Up close and personal weapon. Can mam and remove limbs of enemies. Slow too reload.
Flamethrower: Burn human and infected enemies a like with this weapon. Short range but very effective.
Assault Rifle: Full auto and the most modern weapon in the game. Only available in the very last section of the game and it can't be upgraded.
Sniper Rifle: Not given or kept by Joel or Ellie. It is mounted on a trip pod and used by a human too sniper and Joel. Kills all enemies in one shot. Joel uses it too protect Ellie and a few others for a time before leaving it. Never runs out of ammo.
Small Guns:
Pistol: A 9mm pistol that is given right near the start of the game. Weaker then the revolver but has faster rate of fire and less recoil.
Revolver: Holds 6 shots. More powerful then the 9mm but more recoil. Joels weapon of choice.
Shoty: A 2 shot short barrel shotgun. Shorter range then the shotgun itself but one of the most powerful small guns.
El Diablo: One of the most powerful weapons in the game. Scoped and great medium too long ranges. Has slow rate of fire and a very low capacity.
2x4: Better then your fists. 4 hits until it is rendered useless.
Baseball Bat: Better then the 2x4. Takes 6 hits before it is rendered useless.
Pipe: Better the rest of the blunt weapons: takes 9 hits before it breaks.
Machete: First of the bladed weapons. Only has 3 uses but kills an enemy in one hit.
Hatchet: The best bladed weapon. 5 hits before it breaks but every hit is a one hit kill.
Switch Blade: Ellies weapon. Can't kill with one hit 100% of the time but can stealth kill.
Shiv: A weapon at the start that can only be used once but can be upgraded too be used 3 times.
Molotov cocktail: A glass bottle with gas or some other flammable liquid inside. Throw at enemies or near too make them burst into flames. Effective against infected enemies.
Nail bomb: A tin can that when a enemy comes close explodes. Killing most enemies except the bloater. Very effective weapon.
Smoke bomb: When thrown creates a smoke screen the helps masks your location or stun enemies nearby when it goes off. Another effective weapon but used in a different way.
Bricks and bottles are also thrown but aren't lethal but can stun enemies (minus a Bloater) too help you shiv then or grab them.
Gameplay: There are 2 parts: One is exploration. Here you can listen too characters talk and move around. You can also collect salvage and resources too use. The other is combat. In combat situations you fight more humans then you do infected. Combat isn't over whelming but it plays a part. When the Exploration parts get too much, combat is introduced too break things up. Stealth also plays a part in The Last of Us. When called for it is best too stealthy move your way past enemies or kill them stealthy.
You must also manage resources as well. Sometimes you can blow the crap out of anything in your way but sometimes you can't. Situations are different depending on resource levels. So decide wisely.
Voice acting: Top notch. W. Earl Brown (Bill), Troy Baker (Joel), Jeffrey Pierce (Tommy), Ashley Johnson (Ellie). Just too name a few but the whole cast is fantastic.
Graphics: The games looks good. If you get in battles with Joel he will show wear and tear. The PS4 version is more polished then the PS3.
This game also have a sense of atmosphere. Very few games have ever sent chills down my back. Most the time you can only see the world as it is but once in a while you can see how the world was before it toke a shit. This game makes you want too look around, it makes you want too explore every inch of it. And it takes quite some time for it too get old. One of the best games ever made. This game gets an A+.
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