1 week after the debate Ryoko would release her tax and health records for public consumption. her taxes would show she pays 22% on her taxes, which some would say "She needs a better tax person." In terms of her health a few surprises (too those that don't know her). She does take migraine medication. Stating in a interview "I once had one in a racecar.... probably the most painful thing you can go through. I wanted too die." And that she had surgery too remove her ovaries. She would state in a primetime interview: "When I returned too states too race here full-time I had tests done. I found out that I had an above average chance at getting cancer... ovarian cancer. I asked my doctor what my options were. he told me either wait until it happens or not happen. Or remove them and not worry at all. I thought about my dad a lot. Cancer toke him young so I a lot too think about. I asked my mother and all my friends. In talking too them I realized how hurt they would be if I wasn't here. So I decided too remove them. Yeah i'll never be a mother but..... i'll be here with all of those that I love."
Other then those things at age 39, 5ft 11in, 130lbs Ryoko is by many peoples admission the healthiest person too every run for president. Her own personal website would see a spike in traffic. Ryokos website features videos, blogs and tips on how too live a healthy life. And it does features Ryokos favorite junk food. It also features her daily workout routines and her own personal recipes for yummy yet 'good for you' food. And also her interactions with her fans.
Maoris artistic skills help play a part in Ryokos political ads. They are full of color and creativity. And help drive her policies home. Petra would be her campaign spokesperson. Being in Rosenburg for a long as she has she knows how too relay information too people quickly and effectively. And will act as Ryokos buffer.
Petra: Not a bad first debate. Could do better.
Ry: I know that.
Petra: You'll have too widen your message more.
Ry: Got a few more things too say. So i'm way ahead of you.
At a rally in Austin, Texas Ryoko would reveal her stance on infrastructure spending.
Ry: I've driven on racetracks that are in better condition then our roads. And a few of them have 20 year old surfaces and still look good and are maintained. Racetrack tech. has far outpaced regular road tech. If i'm elected i'll work with the states too help repair this nations infrastructure. State government and the federal government will work as a team too fix it.
She would also list taxes she would like too remove, stating the do too all the taxes that are forced on people a normal 40 hour work week wages is more like 25 hour work week. A few taxes would stay that are federal and what states do is up too them.
Ry: The budget will be reduced and so will taxes. Making this country run smooth and efficient is one of my goals. And stop having the American people pay for crap we don't need too pay for.
Ryoko would also make a bold goal, too set government a yearly budget.
Ry: Instead of doing this 5-10 year stuff. Do things yearly. Race teams set yearly goals and budgets. The Government can too.
And like how most of her rallys would end, she would end with a Q&A segement. A reporter would ask her if she could do a 2 part "behind the scenes" with her, which Ryoko would accept. A few days later Ryoko and the reporter would start. It would show what Ryokos daily life is like. First would Ryoko doing a meet and greet at a local school in Kansas. She would sign autographs, take pictures and take questions on her turn too politics. The next would a rally is Topeka. They way she preps would be secret but those who help her prep (Kamui and Petra) are asked questions, which they answer. The rest of Part 1 of 2 is Ryoko doing her rally.
Part 2 would take place in her home in Athens, Georgia. Here she would give a tour of her home. The reporter would be surprised. Dispite having a lot of wealth, Ryoko lives a modest life style.
Ry: I have more money then I could ever spend but I have enough here that I am content with. My friends and family are my most important things too me.
Ryoko would take the reporter too the basement. Here she would show off her vast anime and manga collection. Which is something she is proud of.
Ry: I have read all those books at least twice and all those figures have never been out of the packaging. Yeah i'm a nerd and I don't care.
They stay in the basement head next too her trophy room. Despite winning over 80 times in her career, there are only a small number in there. But they all have one thing in common.... family.
Ry: My former teams have most of my trophies that I have won but these here are here in this room because of who was there when I won them. My mom and dad, my friends... Alex. That is what those have in common. All from Japan are over in Japan in Tokyo on display.
They then head upstairs too the kitchen. Ryoko opens a cabinet and takes out a big book.
Ry: Everything in this is book are recipes from my travels across America, including stuff I've created on my own as well as from my dad and mom.
Next is the living room and too the fire place. Where 3 very special items are placed.
Ry: The one on the left is my very first major win in Japan. I had won other races before that was the first. The whole week was weird.
*The reporter asks her too explain*
Ry: Well it was a double header weekend at Sugo. We brought 2 cars. In the first race I wrecked the car so we pulled out the back up. It was 3 years old and out of date. But it had a lot of downforce on it and Sugo is fast. On the straights I was getting killed but in the corners I made up time. With a perfect strategy and a drive too win..... we did. It would be our only win and podium that season. But the next season was better for us. With a new sponser my team could upgrade our equipment and shop.
This is one is my Order of the Rising Sun medal. If I have too be honest I really don't why I got it. I'm just being me. I'm just acting like how I was raised by my mom and dad. They gave my values too follow by and I follow them.
And..... this is my dad. Before he got sick. I think about him everyday. I still see him everyday. Be it this picture or his dog tags. I know he is with me... always.
*The reporter then asks Ryoko what would she do if she won the nomination*
Ry: Well it is all or nothing then. No turning back. In it too win it.
*If she wins the Presidency*
Ry: Lets not get ahead of ourselves. Still a long way too go.
There is a part 2 too the 2 parter. It takes place at Road Atlanta where Ryoko will do some testing for a racing series. The series uses kit cars from real auto manus with strict rules on driver aids. The series was formed in 2025 and has quickly gained a following. It has a bunch of categories of cars and races all around the world. Here people would get too see what Ryoko does at the track. She is the same at the track as she does when she at a rally or debate. Professional, too the point and not there too mess around. Alex (Who has left his CIA post and is now Ryokos personal body guard) would be asked questions doing something like this while on the road trying too be the Republican nominee.
Alex: Well this is how Ry manages her stress. Everyone needs too remember that she used too this for a living, since she was 8. So she is at home here. She also used too speaking in front a lot of people and talking with people. Being a racecar driver has it perks. She is very personable. Besides you see all the people here? They come too see her.
Road Atlanta was indeed packed with people. Since most people don't know Alex, he decided too go around and ask the people why they were there. Vast majority came too Ryoko. But also the vast majority admit too never being at a race track before. With modern technology, everyone gets too see Ryoko through onboard cameras. From sun up too sun down Ryoko tests 5 class of cars totaling 25 cars. With her testing complete Ryoko would then be swarmed by the media.
Ry: Y'all have fun? I certainly did. That is a good days work.
An impromptu rally of sorts would happen as well. At the next national debate, Ryoko would be attacked for her "outside" activities. Her opponents grilling her for not taking this seriously.
Ry: I find it really funny that I'm being attacked for honoring my commitments too those I have made commitments too from a bunch of people who don't honor their commitment too the country or its people. You have a commitment too run the government 'by the people, for the people.' And for years you haven't.
Oh and don't doubt I take this seriously. The last time someone told me that I ended up winning and that person finishing second. I'm going too double down on you guys now.
The rest of the debate would be full of exchanges and fiery responses. Ryoko taking the brunt of the attacks. Here Petras preparation would kick in and Ryoko studious nature. She would skillfully attack back. After the debate Ryoko would debrief with Petra and Kamui.
Petra: Very well done.
Kamui: They turned up the pressure but you handled yourself well.
Ry: Wasn't easy. They were really starting too get too me.
Petra: It is how it works.
Kamui: Your starting too gain a foothold out there. They still don't understand you and from what I can see they aren't taking you seriously.
Petra: All they can do it attack your policies and stances. Everything else is empty. Remember they have been doing this longer then you and THAT is your advantage. Remember that.
Post debate polls and grades would be released the next day. Ryoko again gets good marks for debate but also is praised for her level headness. And for her come backs. Polling would show that is she is up too 3rd out of 10.
Ry: What i'm doing is obviously working. So I think my opposition needs too find another avenue of criticism. Because I have options of reaching many more people then they think.
She would say that at a rally in Wisconsin. She would also touch on how the American worker as adapted over the years.
Ry: When I came back too America too race full-time. And also when I travelled across this great land after I retired. I saw something. A something that made me pause. People were working their butts off too keep dreams alive. Whatever those dreams were, people fought with every fiber of the their being too make it happen. I met people working 2 jobs, 60 hours a week just too make it. They wanted better for their families and themselves. That is a fighting spirit that I like too see. People adapted too their situation, even if it was tough. The American people are the most adaptable folks I've ever met and I've been all over the world. You people make this country great, not those in Washington. You people are the reason why I chose my campaign slogan "Neither Right or Left... American." You are all Americans too me.
Petra and Kamui are taken aback by her comments and with the passion in which she is speaking.
Petra: I think she is gotten the hang of this.
Kamui: You and I both know when she is confident, nothing stops her at all.
Petra: Well I think it is time we stop playing nice and go for it.
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