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Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Arcana Heart Fanfiction #22: Foray into the unknown (20 years into the future)

It is October 18th, Ryokos birthday. In the capital of Atlanta at the State Capitol the governor has called a press conference. Not much is known about it except is was called 2 weeks prior. Major news outlets are present. At 1:30pm the Governor begins too speak.

"Alright. The rumor mill was in over drive for this. Many rumors of which I will debunk. No i'm NOT running for a certain office. No i'm not resigning as governor of Georiga. However I am here too announce that someone is running for political office. I'm speaking on her behalf, since she isn't here right now. But I think this person can speak for herself, so turn your attention too the big screen and watch."

The room goes dark and video starts playing.

"Hello, I'm Ryoko Kenichi. Pretty sure you know who I am. Being the only women too ever win a major racing championship in America. You may also know me from my charitable acts, despite not running a charity, care for military veterans and various other ways I've shown my kindness too others. During my travel across America after I retired from full-time driving I saw much good in this country. But I also saw a lot of bad. At every town I saw things that upset me. I did my best during the time I had too relieve those issues. But sadly I couldn't do what I wanted too do. There is a way I can help. What i'm about too say is going shock everyone who hears it but i'm here too announce my candidacy too run for President of the United States. My whole life I've never aimed low, I always aim high. I didn't win all the time but I at least I tried. I decided this course of action 4 years ago after the last election. I have ideas, proposals and agendas already written out, tweaked and written out again. Thank you for watching and I sure know that i'll hear it later."

Flashbulbs and voices ring out at the end of the video in the governors directions but he motions them too hush it down.

"When Ryoko returns from Europe she will answer your questions and will announce which ticket she will run on. Until then you have too wait. But might as well give you all an idea of what she is doing right now."

A live stream appears on the big screen, featuring Ryoko in her natural habitat. She is doing a road rally in Europe featuring vintage rally cars from the Group B era (though by this time those cars will be around 50 years old, so just recreations are driven.) Even in her late 30's, she is still fast and competent behind the wheel. Also pushing the limit too get most out of herself and the car.

When she returns too her accommodations, all her social media sites (and phone) are going mad with the news of her announcement. The she doesn't answer anything because she is clearly busy. A week later she returns home (quietly). She heads for the state capitol where word quickly spreads of her arrival. Ryoko hangs out while the media go crazy trying too get set up. But they do the first question ask is "Why?"

Ry: Because I think I can make a difference, that is why.
"You have no political experience"
Ry: Neither did our 45th President. I know it will be the steepest of learning curves. But i'm a quick study. And their isn't a experience requirement either.
"No female has ever won the White House."
Ry: You don't say? No female won a championship before. But in case you forgot, I DID. I'm used too having people say certain things. If you put your mind too anything, you can achieve great things.
"Which ticket will you run on?"
Ry: Republican. the hardest way too do it. But like my race and championship winning pass, i'll do it up the middle. I'm a Moderate after all. My policies reflect my stances.
"What are your polices?"
Ry: You'll find out in the first debate. I'm sure the moderators will throw stuff at me. I'll be ready.

Ryoko would also announce that she has a few more races too attend too but it wouldn't interfere with the debates.

Her life before this announcement was normal for her. Since her retirement from full-time driving she has enjoy racing in many different types of cars, in many different series. The Snowball Derby, All-American 400, Baja 500 and 1000, The Dakar Rally, 24 hours of Le Mans, 12 Hours of Sebring, 24 Hours of Daytona, 12 Hours of Spa, 24 Hours of Nuremburg. And a lot of other minor events as well. She kept herself busy and kept her family, friends and fans updated via her social media and personal website.

Everyone else prior too the announcement was normal too.
Heart and Saki are still together (toke the Ryoko and Alex route becoming life partners) Café Aino is still booming but no longer expanding. Heart is more then content with the business as it is. Saki still teaches.
Maori still works for Heart but toke a stab at spotting for Ryoko during one of her races. Ryoko was more then impressed with her.
Weiss and Schar are still doing their show, which now airs on live TV.

After her announcement two people would have a conversation with her.

Petra: Are you crazy!?
Ry: Certifiable.
Kamui: I've never taken you for a political person.
Ry: I'm not.
Petra: Take it from someone who has dealt with such things in Rosenburg. Don't.
Kamui: This isn't like racing.
Ry: They share some similarities.
Kamui/Petra: What?
Ry: Hypocrisy, Greed and bunch of hot air.
Petra: True. But they will eat you alive.
Ry: Do you REALLY think I haven't done my homework? You really don't know me that well then.
Kamui: They will point out your lack of experience.
Ry: I will point out their screw ups, hypocrisy and flip-flopping. I'm not going too be on the defense, i'll be on offense.
Kamui: "The best offense is a good defense and the best defense is a good offense." Huh....
Petra: Do you have a message?
Ry: First rally is in a few days time. Somethings will be revealed then.
Petra: Most in the media think is a joke.
Ry: Joke is on them like usual.

Her first rally would take place in her second home state of Arizona. Here she would lay out her polices on immigration (legal and Illegal), jobs, energy and taking shots the media. However her crowd is something that surprises even her, 10,000 people come and see too what she has too say.

Ry: My immigration policy is this: If you are here illegally and have not committed a crime. You can stay just go too your local DMV, Secertary of State and sign a form (she holds up said form). Give your REAL name and some other basic information. If you sign this and are 100% truthful I will NOT deport you. However if you false information then I WILL deport you. In Addition if you are hear illegally and commit a crime; buh-bye. If you over stay a VISA, buh-bye. This country was built by immigrates but we have laws and so they shall be followed. Will I build a wall? Well both sides have said so but done nothing. I'll just sure up what we have and hire many more boarder security agents too fill the gaps and if needed.... use the National Guard. Again if needed.

This country is ever changing but one thing that is constant is  a government that steps in far too often. The government should be the referee not the damn player. I will lift regulations slowing job growth and set this economy free. However the government has the right too oversee too keep bad things at bay. The energy sector is one area where is much potential. Everything can work together, coal, nat. gas, water, wind, sun and other areas which are just ready too grow rapidly. Can't relay on just a few, have too relay on them all.

And it seems the every so 'smart' media think this is a joke. You know what I think is a joke? That their trust numbers are worse then Congresses and have been for quite some time. That right there is a joke and such a bad joke that people are tired of laughing. Stop making yourself look foolish and shills. Journalism died along time ago and there is nothing left of the dead horse.

Ryokos rally would end with a very surprising Q&A. She answers a variety of questions from the some of the people who show up.

Q: What if you don't win?
Ry: I'll just put on my firesuit again and continue what I was doing. That simple.

Q: Do you think you'll win?
Ry: If I didn't feel that I could then I wouldn't try it now would I?

Q: Why do you think you'll win?
Ry: I don't have the baggage that everyone else does. All their flip-flopping and stuff. oh and don't worry I plan on calling them out on it too.

Q: What is your message or campaign slogan?
Ry: "Not either Right or Left. American."

The rally wouldn't last more then an hour. She will travel back home too Athens and begins making more plans for more rallys in the near future. Kamui and Petra would be impressed with planning and message.

Petra: Okay i'm sold.
Kamui: I must say you are.... better at this then I thought.
Ry: Oh the praise I don't deserve *snicker*.
Petra: Whatever, do have your debate prep all set?
Ry: Well I was hoping you Petra would help me.
Petra: Sure
Ry: (well that was easy, no arm pulling needed).
Petra: I got some friends who used too be at Rosenburg, i'm sure they'd be happy help. The people you are facing have a lot of experience but you have me. You will be well prepared for it trust me.

For the next 2 weeks Ryoko goes too rallys in Michigan, Ohio, Mississippi, Florida and Colorado. She would also get ready for the first debate as well as some races as well. She wouldn't campaign while at the track. She would be "All business."

The first debate would be in the middle of November. In prime time and against 9 other candidates. 2 of the candidates are Senators, 3 are Governors, one is an ex- Speaker of the House, One is an Ex- Vice President and the final two are mayors from Kentucky and Indiana. She is the only one without any political experience in the field. Her polling numbers are better then even she thought. Out the 10 running (herself included), she is 5th out of the 10. The Media would say that it is because of her "celebrity status." Those some would say it is because of her campaign slogan or by her honesty. Or just by the simple fact she is someone new and fresh on the scene. Polls do indicate that some voters are leery of her lack of experience although are highly positive toward her age (being so young). People are also very high on her levels of energy and positivity. And for her blunt attacks on her opponents.

At the debate she would be introduced last, receiving the biggest cheers and applause. It would be her chance too further explain her policies and also too defend her policies from her opponents, whom have been doing this for a long time and some have also run for President before.

The first question would be on Foreign Policy.

Ry: Relationships are two way streets. Whether it is between two people or two countries. Trade, information. It is a negotiation. I would work with countries on trade, information sharing that benefit us both. NOT one side. It has too be fair. Coming from my world were we all operated under the same rules. If I get something that benefits the US the other country will get something that benefits them. It will be an equal exchange. I will also NOT interfere in foreign wars that will not benefit America. It wouldn't be our business in the first place. If it is a NATO ally? Then sure I will help out. But I would stay out of it other wise. There are problems at home that needed too be tended too.

The second question would be on Health Care. Which has been a hot button issue since 2010.

Ry: First of all i'd like too thank both sides for royal screwing it up by getting involved when THEY weren't needed in the first place. *this would get loud cheers* My idea would be too set up a competition between health insurance companies. Competition is healthy and pushes you too be better. I have a team that have set up a mock exchange that health insurance companies can enter and compete with one another. Big and small will compete in what is covered. People can enter said exchange and chose from 3 options. Option 1 is "keep what I have." You enter your information on what you have and just like that you can keep what you have. Option 2 is "I want too sign up." Here you enter your information, what you want covered. Of which there are A LOT of things can be covered. When done you can select from quoted prices from health insurance companies on what you want covered. You select your health care. Option 3 is "I want too change my health care." Here can change on what is covered, who is covered or if you don't want coverage at all.  I will work with health insurance companies, doctors and hospitals and offices too create a system that will run smoothy and that is easy too use. Oh and one more thing, this will be across state lines. And if this can't happen then I will allow companies too sell private policies too people that are both marketable and create competition. Either or.

The third question would be National Security.

Ry: The Presidents job too protect this country from threats outside... and inside the country. I will follow every lead, any shred of evidence too find those who wish too do us and harm stop them. Violently if needed. Oh too those savage bastards who recently toke responsibility for that terror attack... try me. If i'm elected try me. You will NOT hide from me. I will also be leery of North Korea. Who knows what that guy is up too. Avoided war recently but he is starting up again.

The forth question is education, which is something that she passionate about.

Ry: School choice first and foremost. Secondly i'll request for a 11 month school year. Japan goes all year round and look how well that works. Some schools have already gone too a year round system, i'd request a 11 month system be implemented. We spend so much an education and it gets us no where. Lets also bring back shop classes, home Ec classes. Kids have too learn too be self reliant. My father taught me and too some extent my mother taught too how too cook, sew, clean and how too generally take of yourself. As well as increase access too mentor programs. There are so many jobs that don't have enough workers because of lack of mentor programs. Also crack down on price explosions for books and classes. Colleges are getting rich off of jacking up prices on students. I will enforce stiff penalties on college that price raising out of control. In terms of student debt, there will be a year wait period before paying. Also institute a system of repaying loans. Anywhere from 5 too 15 of your income can be used too pay off your loan. Also I will leniency in case of missing a payment or fall on hard times. Also why can't colleges make more scholarships available since they make so much money? I'm gonna be a hard sell on that.

The 5th question is on government spending and debt.

Ry: In the world of motorsport you have budget. And you adhere too the budget. why can't the government do that? This government spends so much money yet takes in so much in taxes and can't make a budget? What the hell are you people doing? *gives evil looks too her opponents* There is so much waste yet here I will clean it up. There are buildings we can sell, land we can sell too the highest bidder and make cash. I will eliminate all extra spending and make it bare bones wiggle room. I heard some budget people say they can cut 15% of the budget. You know what? Double it. Make it 30%. If a race team, average people can make a good life on a budget then so can the government. Or do you all wish too default on our debt? There should be an amendment too the Constitution that makes it mandatory for the budget too balanced at all times.

With that question there would be a commercial break. During it a few people would approach Ryoko and ask for autographs. She asks for permission, which is whole heartly given too her. For the entire commercial break she signs autographs. The next segment let the candidate debate their positions on the issues they talked about and perhaps other stuff. A Senator would question whether she is tough enough too stand up against people like the President of Russia or China when they are tough men too crack.

Ry: Everyone wants something Senator. But they don't know me, which gives me the upper hand. When you don't know something or someone you have 2 approaches; study or wing it. And from what I've seen of those 2 individuals.... well will do what is best for them and ONLY them. Don't expect me too follow that.

Ryoko would then get pressed her health care plan. Her challengers would say it is more government control.

Ry: Did I say that I would FORCE people too sign up? No I did not but thanks for putting words in my mouth. EVERYONE gets the OPTION too sign up. Heck i'll encourage people too sign up just too shop around for something better. There will be no penalty of any kind for not signing up. But if you wish too keep what you have then I would encourage people too sign just so they can keep what they have. By the way... i'd also deregulate the medical area.

She would then tag teamed on her fixes for education. Mostly by the Ex-SOTH (Speaker Of The House) and a mayor for Kentucky.

Ry: Well we spend more education then any other country on earth and is it working? Hell no it isn't. Kids in Japan go all year around and look at where Japan is ranked. A hell of a lot higher then the US. It would be 5 days a week for 11 months of the year. Kids lose retaining that information after 2 months. There are a lot of other things wrong with our education system, such as it getting political. Which your it your guys fault.... well I should say the Lefts fault but you aren't blameless.

There would then be a big squabble over her proposed 30% budget cut. Ryoko wouldn't say anything but let them argue. The moderators would eventually quiet everyone down and give Ryoko a chance too talk.

Ry: See? This is why Washington doesn't work. Nothing but a bunch hot air and gridlock. And people are sick of it. Politics makes more sense then actual action. All those "promises" you make and keep. Not.

The debate end with closing remarks. Ryoko would stay on message and re-enforce her points on the debated topics. A days after opinion based report cars on each of the debaters would be given out. Ryoko would receive high marks but needed too be more detailed though she is given high marks for her straight-forwardness. Ryoko would set up more rallys in states in which has races in. At one of her races a reporter would ask her about her turn too politics...

Ry: It is a foray into the unknown for sure but so far it is fun. Turn outs are amazing and the people are full energy. Many more debates but I feel like I'm getting the hang of it.

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