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Friday, 6 September 2019

EFT/FC5 crossover fanfiction: Wetwork in the Woods; Knowledge is Bliss (Map of Woods)

Plot: Racheal is given the task of finding a USEC PMC and killing him. And she reveals a past poison too help her in Tarkov. Tarkovs past is also revealed too Racheal and those back home.

For the past 5 days Racheal has done various jobs for the traders since her "owner" hasn't needed her and Gregory takes her around too the Town and Lighthouse areas of Tarkov for said jobs. She revisits Shoreline, a while keeping everyone back home updated as regularly as possible. The one trader she has done the most jobs for is Fence. Find this, do that... variety of jobs that Racheal excels at and Fence pays her well. Prapor, Therapist, Peacekeeper, Mechanic and Ragmen  have also had jobs finished (and receiving payment for the work) by Racheal. She is in her home, after a good night sleep Racheal is in the shower, singing too some tunes found on the laptop (Her opinion is "At least this person has good taste.") With a happy tone she "blesses the rains down in Africa" but she is rudly interrupted when the music stops.

Racheal: Hey turn that back on!
"Lets go pretty face. Time too work."
Racheal: Oh Gregory. You have too wait. A REAL man will never interrupt a girl in the shower.
"I WILL come and get you out."
Racheal: Then you will have too come and get me physically. Don't worry Gregory, I am used too getting physical with older men.
"What the fuck is that supposed too mean?"
Racheal: Exactly what it means Gregory.
"Come on bitch!!!"

Gregory marches over too Racheal too remove her but as he gets within a foot or so he stops. He looks down toward his manly area. The barrel of Racheals Sig Sauer is pointed right at his manly area, the pistol is cocked and ready. Racheal pressed the pistol against him...

Racheal: You couldn't handle me Gregory. I'd show you a world you have never dreamed possible. Now either give me time or you will never be able too play with yourself again and your boss will have too find someone else too be a bitch too because you will have no balls.

Gregory notices that Racheals upper arm has scars. For a moment he wonders how she got them but...

"Fine. You have 15 minutes. My boss will be-"
Racheal: Your boss can suck my dick.

30 minutes later, Racheal is front of Gregorys boss, who is rather angery he has too wait.

"I should have you killed for making me wait."
Racheal: Then shot me or stop bitchin.
"You are really lucky Fence speaks so highly of you. After this job he wants you for another one and I really do not feel like having him hound my ass. And the fact your still owe me a lot of money."
Racheal: What it is you want me too do?

Racheal is handed a folder. Opening the folder she sees the picture of the USEC PMC. Detailed information is in the dossier.

"I want him dead."
Racheal: Assassination?
"More like wetwork but whatever you want too call it."
Racheal: Hm...
"Got a problem with it?"
Racheal: Done a bit of wetwork in my past life.

*Everyone in the room gives a look of 'what?'*

Racheal: You must want evidence of his death I suppose.
"Dog tags. Get me his dog tags. Take what you want from his gear... if you wish."
Racheal: Right.
"Come on pretty face."

Getting ready she has 3 30 round mags, 2 20 round mags for her Archangel. Adding 2 5 round mags for her Sagia with 2 extra mags for Sig Sauer. The rest of her gear hasn't changed since she got it. Gregory drops Racheal off in the far Northeast part of the Woods.

"He will be here."
Racheal: What if he isn't?
"My boss has flawless intel, he WILL be here. Now go. I will pick you past the UN road block."

Gregory drives off, leaving Racheal at the gate. Opening the gate she enters the woods. The first thing she sees are a lot of trees, gentle rolling hills and a familiar feeling. She turns on her body camera.

Racheal: Reminds me of home. At least in this place... I have the advantage. I know how too fight in this stuff. Woods are woods, regardless of where you are in the world.

Using her vast "street smart" experience, Racheal moves through the Woods. She stays off the main trail and finds a house. A fence surrounds the house so she can't see inside. Readying her Sagia she opens the gate.

Racheal: Okay... clear outside first then inside.

Unlike her past journeys, this one is in daylight. Visibility is an issue so Racheal will have too work quick. No one is outside so she enters the house. No one is inside either but there are some goodies.

Racheal: A map... good. Though I can't understand it, it is still a big help. Hm... there is a logging camp not too far from here. Might well head there after checking out that bunker too the south.

Also present is an AKM and a few hand grenades.

Racheal: Sell the AKM but keep the grenades.

With the AKM in her backpack and the grenades in her pant pockets Racheal heads south. After 5 minutes of leap frogging from cover too cover she sees a SUV in the road. She observes the SUV for a bit...

Racheal: Not seeing any movement.... looks abandoned. Well might as well take a quick look.

Keeping her head on a swivel she approaches the SUV. She opens the doors and looks inside.

Racheal: Looks like it either ran out of gas or was just left here. Looks nice though but-

Suddenly one of the windows shatters and then Racheal dodging bullets like rain drops. Quickly getting too the other side of the SUV she hides behind the engine, which will offer her added protection.

Racheal: Can't hear were the shots the coming from. Someone is using a suppressed weapon.

Trying too get a look she pokes her head around but quickly ducks back when a bullet takes a headlight out. Slowly going prone she looks under the SUV for any signs of movement.

"Come on out Bear! Throw down your weapons and you will be spared!"
Racheal: Huh?

A voice rings out. "Sounds American." Racheal thinks. Through her Sordin headphones she hears movement coming her way.

"I say again, Surrender Bear! Throw down your weapons and you will be spared!"
Racheal: Not Russian motherfucker.

Quickly raising up too a vertical base she rests her Archangel on the hood of the SUV. Only her head is exposed too whoever is calling out too her. A person exits some brush across from her.

"You! Throw down your weapons!"
*Racheal refuses with silence. Still training her weapon on the person*
"Come out from behind there... slowly."
*Racheal makes her way slowly out from behind the SUV, still training her Archangel on the person*

They make on eye contact. The person is a fully geared PMC whom has the letters "USEC" across their body armor.

Racheal: (So... this a PMC I have heard so much about. Not like those Scavs who carry shit around. This guy has got some high grade military shit on him.)

*The PMC lowers his weapon*
"Well you don't look like a Russian BEAR. You are too short."
Racheal: (Fuck off about my height dick lick.)
"You must be a teenager or something."

Racheals gear hides her female features from the PMC. Her shirt and clothes are a bit baggy which also help her out as well as her gloves.

"Can you understand English?"
*Racheal nods "Yes."*
"Can you speak English?"
Racheal: *Shakes her head "No."* (I ain't revealing my truth self too this motherfucker. At least not yet.)
"Well at least you can understand me. Must a Tourist just trying too make a living. My orders too kill Russian BEARS, none of your kind. Well not that I trust you but I am heading too the lumber camp. You are welcome too come along."
*Racheal gives the 'thumbs up' signal*
Racheal: (I wouldn't even call this an alliance. More like a means too an end.)

The pair make their ways too the logging camp. Racheals movements are unlike anything the PMC has ever seen. Both reach a checkpoint along the way. Scavs are present. Before the PMC can form a plan Racheal uses her "street smarts" too get into firing position and kills the Scavs guarding the checkpoint. They climb the tower...

"Well aren't full of surprises. *Racheal lays out the map she found* The logging camp is here. We could head straight there but this group of rocks is a snipers paradise. Since you are a pretty good shot, I will help you kill anyone there then you cover me from there."
Racheal: (I can more then handle myself. But whatever.)
"There is something I am looking for but you can't see it. No offense orders. We clear?"
Racheal: *nods* (I am only keeping you alive because well... I have "orders" too.)

Making their way too Snipers Rock, the PMC helps Racheal clear the nearby area. With no one up there Racheal makes her way up does what her teacher Grace Armstrong has taught. Keeping one eye on her target area and the other the PMC. Racheal isn't using a laser sight, which is advantageous as no one will see the beam on objects. The PMC and Racheal are able too communicate via hand signals as Racheal while isn't completely out in the open atop Snipers Rock too communicate.

The PMC stops near some log piles and Racheals begins the task of killing anyone she sees. Scavs are present in the lumber camp and the PMC hasn't been seen yet.

Racheal: Okay... time too start the fireworks.

Killing a Scav and the PMC joining in the pair take out a few Scavs before a hell breaks loose.  Scavs hiding around join in and the PMC comes under heavy fire. Racheal does what she can however knows she will have too get down there soon. She caps two more before leaving sniper rock and heading down too the lumber camp, her Saiga coming in handy. The pair end it quickly it none worse for wear.

"Well... thanks."
Racheal: *thumbs up*
"No too find what I seek here."

The PMC begins checking the bodies and then all around the lumber camp. Racheal picked up the scraps left by the PMC. "More weapons for Prapor." she mutters.

"I'm am heading southwest from here. There is a secret stash there. You are welcome too come and get some of the stuff."
Racheal: *thumbs up*

Racheal follows the PMC too the secret stash but find it guarded by the sniper Scav, who has already seen them and begins opening fire.

"Shit. Well my weapons will get him but I feel like you would have better luck. I will keep him busy until you get-"

Racheal has already move toward the Scav. Racheal forces the Scav too move out into the open the cliff he is on however gives Racheal an excellent if severe firing angle. She kills the Scav, whom falls off the cliff into the ground.

"Holy shit... who taught you how too fight?"
*Racheal doesn't say anything*
"Well it is your kill. Claim it, I will be inside."

She ignores the Scav and heads inside the stash. Present are food and weapons.

"13 too base. I have found it, repeat I have found it."
"Roger 13. We will have a group out within the hour too get it. Good job."
"Over and out."
Racheal: (Hm.... he is the one I seek.)

The dossier she read had a lot of information, including the callsign of the USEC PMC. This whole time Racheal had been fight along side her target.

"Well just because I reported it in doesn't mean we can't take a bit of it."

Racheal mostly takes the food but takes one of the weapons (an HK MP5) into her backpack. She has only enough room for a bit more stuff but declines too take anymore.

"Well time too exfil. I am headed too the RUAF roadblock. What about you?"
*Racheal uses her hand too draw U-N on a table*
"Oh the UN roadblock. Well lets get going then."

The pair quickly work through the brush and trees too an old white tanker semi trailer.

"Well from this spot we about half way too our extractions."
*Racheal mutters "yeah."*
"I don't think we will see each other again. Good luck."

The PMC turns around too leave, Racheal unholsters her Sig Sauer and puts 2 bullets in his legs. He falls too the ground in a heap, screaming in pain. Racheal drags him against the tanker, training her pistol on him.

Racheal: Never turn back on someone you don't know.
"What!?!? Why the fuck did you shot me for!?"
Racheal: Because you gave me the chance dipshit.
*Racheal removes her headphones and ghost balaclava, revealing her face. The PMC is at a lose for words even with two bullets in his legs*
Racheal: You know for a PMC, highly geared and highly trained you certainly are stupid. I should just kill you on general principle for dumbassery.
"You are here too kill me!?"
Racheal: Yeah. Wetwork. But I have another use for you. How long you been in this place?
"Long enough too have met some really bad people and killed those bad people."
Racheal: We shall see...

From her pocket she takes out a small container and removes the top. Inside is a white power. She pours a bit into the palm of her hand and then blows it into the face of the PMC.

Racheal: Okay.... Faith. Take him for a ride.

When the PMC opens his eyes the world is sunny, the ground layered with white flowers and it just overall peaceful.

Faith: How do you feel?
Faith: How do you feel?
"Well... happy."
Faith: Anything else?
"No pain... or worries."
Faith: *giggles* That is good. I am glad too hear that.
"Where are you? Where am I?"
Faith: I am everywhere silly. But sense you are so desperate too see me.

In a poof of smoke a girl dressed in a white dress appears before him. The girl is very beautiful and the PMC is mesmerized by her.

Faith: *giggles* Well here I am.
"Oh my word..."
Faith: Before I help you out. Maybe you could help out a poor little lost girl like me out.
Faith: Where are we in the world?
Racheal: What?
Faith: Where exactly is Tarkov in the world?
"Northwest Russia. I could give you a bit of history... if you want?"
Faith: Please go ahead.

The PMC explains Tarkovs recent history. Up until 2006 it was a peacefully place full of life and energy. In 2006 that a bloody political coup toke place. Now Tarkov is being torn apart by 2 big factions, as well some smaller ones. The big ones are USEC, a member of the Terra Group and BEAR, allegedly created by the Russian government. The whole region is sealed off by the UN peacekeeping force and Russian government.

"Everyone is on their own. People do escape this place. But mostly it is in a body bag."
Racheal: …...
Faith: Well thank you. But I must be going now.
"Wait... take my gear. It will keep you safe."
Racheal: Thanks. *Rips off the PMCs dog tags* I will take those too.
"Take me away you beautiful women."

Racheal grabs the PMCs gear and walks toward a nearby shack too sort through it.

Racheal: I hope y'all heard that. All of it. I don't have any questions... and I don't want answers either. I WILL escape this place. One way or another. Now lets me see what he gave me. Huh... a Sig Sauer MPX... with some mods. Good ole HK MP5 will stay here. And a M4... again modded. Peacekeeper will like these. Though, Mechanic may want this MPX.

Leaving the rest of the stuff behind she heads too the UN roadblock and exits the area. After activating her locator it only takes Gregory a few minutes too show up and take her away.

"Did you get him?"
Racheal: Evidence right here *shows dog tags*
"Well done."
Racheal: I didn't check the entire area though. Found him rather quickly. Wouldn't mind going back in again.
"Okay. But Fence wants you after this."

Racheal cashes out with Prapor, Peacekeeper and Mechanic and then meets up with Fence. She accepts his job offer and Fence gives a 12 hour lay over period before heading out. And like always sending the body camera footage home. And as per usual, everyone sees it. But this one gets everyone's attention.

Deputy: She is in Russia!?!?!
Tracey: How the fuck did that happen?
Deputy: Sheriff!?
Whitehorse: Pratt is still working on it but at least now we know where she is.
Tracey: And she brought the Bliss with her...
Deputy: She knows how too make it Tracey. It is her equalizer. You see what it did too that PMC.
Tracey: She didn't kill him though. She just left him.
Jess: He was a heavily geared motherfucker. Those guys mean business. Make the Peggies look like school girls.
Grace: That guy had some serious tactical training. Must have been ex-military. Now pay too play.
Tracey: What does PMC mean anyway?
Grace: Private Military Company. Heard some rumors about the US government using PMCs for the War on Terror. This right here comfirms it.
Deputy: So Racheal is against not only people just scraping by but highly trained and financed hired guns?
Grace: Yeah. But I take what he said seriously. USEC and BEAR appears too be just focus on each other. Though there are others that may see her as a threat.

The next day Whitehorse briefs everyone on what has been found.

Whitehorse: Okay everyone listen up. Thanks too Pratt and Wheaty we have a satellite picture of Tarkov.
*Wheaty pulls up a Power Point picture on a screen back the Hope County Sheriffs office*
Whitehorse: This picture isn't that old but is shows the tale. The city is a bad way too put it lightly. But I must preface that we have a general idea of where Racheal Jessop is but we DO NOT know where she is exactly.
Deputy: I should put a call into the CIA.
Whitehorse: Why?
Deputy: I helped him out... he now officially owes me.
Whitehorse: Pratt and Wheaty have also found out that the hunting company Racheal had booked with...
Wheaty: It does exist... or should I say did exist.
Tracey: "Did" exist?
Wheaty: Yeah... back in 2008. The company went away when the economy tanked.
Deputy: So.... it is a front?
Pratt: That is what we are trying too find out.
Wheaty: Everything appears legit though. I haven't had too chance yet too get into the nuts and bolts.
Whitehorse: Keep on it Wheaty.

The Deputy returns minutes later...

Whitehorse: Well?
Deputy: "Agent Willis Huntley is unavailable right now as he is out of the country."
Whitehorse: What? He isn't? Why?
Deputy: "That officer is classified." FUCKING BULLSHIT!!!!!

The Deputy hurls the phone at the wall, shattering it into a million pieces. She exits the room and begins throwing stuff in the next room.

Hudson: Eh... Sheriff?
Whitehorse: Just a interrogation room Hudson. Let her blow off some steam. She is going through a lot.
Tracey: We all are Sheriff.
Jess: What Racheal and the Deputy went through is different Tracey. I know you two made up but I have too ask you two as close as you where before?
Tracey: Well.... no. I mean I am glad that we are friends again but I think the best friend bridge was burned.
Jess: You wish you where though?
Tracey: I do. I was her only friend back then-
Jess: And best druggy friend.
Tracey: Excuse me!?
Jess: You fucking heard me. Far as I see it you help make her what she became.

Jess and Tracey go at it. Hudson and Pratt trying too keep the peace. Whitehorse exits the office too the outside too think. "The only one who can tell us where she is Racheal herself. And it seems who ever has her is doing their best too keep her in the dark." The Deputy exits the office, yelling heard while the door is open before closing. She sits on a bench, head in her hands sobbing. Her appearance is disheveled and her hands are bloody.

Whitehorse: *sigh* Come on Dep... lets get you looked at.
*Whitehorse takes the Deputy too the clinic too get her hands worked on*
Whitehorse: Everyone is on edge.
Deputy: Racheal has that effect on people. You know there was a time when everyone was glad she was dead?
Whitehorse: Yeah I was one of them. Until I saw her in the flesh.
Deputy: I don't know how much more I can take Sheriff. This tearing me apart.
Whitehorse: All we and Racheal need is an opening. Something, anything that Racheal can tell us that will reveal her exact whereabouts. We will get her home. I will put in a call too those helping with the search. See if they have anything too say.

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