It has been 1 week since Ryoko won the GOP nomination for President. However she basically for that one week period disappeared from public and social media view. However she wasn't lazy, she was re-working her campaign for the General Election and studying up on her opponent. Her Democratic opponent is 22 years Ryokos senior, being in DC his whole political career as a Senator from Delaware. However he has a past history of running his mouth and even going against his own party on many occasions. Has ran for President twice and lost both times, once getting as far as the nominee for his party.
Petra: Ryoko… you will love this guy.
Ry: Oh I know about him. Saw a lot of him on TV when I lived in Japan. He sure does enjoy talking a lot.
Kamui: My head hurts from listening too him.
Petra: The way he talks is like he holding a hot potatoe, can't hold it for more then 5 seconds.
Ry: Or 5 days.
Kamui: Based on what I have in my hands he doesn't show up for work very much. Roughly 50% of the time he shows up too work.
Petra: Appears he is also a grand standing weasel.
Ry: Take it the American branch of Rosenburg is burning the middle night oil on him.
Petra: There is so much stuff on this guy from rallies, meetings, quotes.... God. How in the hell did this guy get on committees?
Kamui: During my time as the millennial guardian if there is one thing I have figured out is certain people will do anything too stay in power. Lie, Cheat, Steal... Not too say all of them of course, as I have met a few how truly care about others but it is few and far between.
Petra: I too have met a few of them... politicians. while I truly don't think they are bad people... they make my skin crawl.
Ry: That is something coming from you Petra. Considering wit you dealing with Rosenburg and Celestial Union.
Petra: Celestial Union and Rosenburg aren't technically considered government agencies but in way they do public service and do work with the government in certain ways. But yeah some people whom I answered too reminded me of politicians.
Kamui: Didn't they want too be the head of the European branch of the Celestial Union?
Petra: Yeah... but I turned it down. Didn't feel like putting up with it anymore. And I left.
While the trio talk and prepare for a rally in Pennsylvania. Her opponent is already is making rounds and saying some rather outrageous things about Ryoko. Calling her a "loose cannon with anger issues" over her handling of her rather famous incident. "No one with that temper tantrum should be President." As well as a few not-so nice things. At her rally in Pennsylvania Ryoko would somewhat address it.
Ry: It is called in the heat of the moment in competition which is something the Senator knows very little about. Yes at that moment I wanted too kick his head in. But throwing him too ground was the least I could do. He got my message loud and clear.
Ryokos life partner Alex would also chime in (something he rarely ever did) on social media "@Ryokokenichi is a person of focus, intent and sheer will Senator. I suggest you watch yourself. You have never met anyone like her before."
While continuing too ready her campaign she would do a variety of interviews. One such interviewer would make a rather obvious yet not so talked about detail.
"You Miss Kenichi are having fun. You are always smiling, laughing and are very engaged. You have never done this before yet you are very comfortable doing this."
Ry: Of course. With all those people cheering and what not gets me pumped up. I am also used too talking too people so this is a natural forum for me.
At the first debate The Sentaor would still hammer Ryoko for how she acted during her famous incident and Ryoko would respond much more fully and in her own way.
Ry: As I have stated before... it was in the heat of moment... during competition. A type of competition which you are so very ignorant about. A type of a arena which someone as flimsy as yourself would fold in like a deuce against royal flush. A place in which unlike DC requires commitment and sheer will.
*The Senator would still press her*
Ry: *leer* Want me too take a psychological evaluation?
*Everyone is given pause*
Ry: *leer* I'll do it... book it Senator. You know what i'll bring one, you bring one and then we will have independent be a third one. All 3 can shrink me at once.
*The Senator readily agrees, ending it with a hand shake*
The rest of debate would be a spirited back and forth over policy (with the Senator taking subtle digs). Overall everyone talking about Ryoko agreeing too be psychologically evaluated. As she would exit the debate stage Kamui and Petra would just be looking at Ryoko, whom has a rather large grin her face.
Petra: You are enjoying this are you not?
Ry: *grin* He will get what he wants.
Kamui: You are unbelievable...
Ry: *grin* I know.
A few days later the 3 psychologists would interview and evaluate her. One of Ryokos choosing, one of the Senators choosing and one independent. After about 3 hours the 3 shrinks would hold a press conference too announce "She is completely sane. She is also highly intelligent and in our expert opinions more then qualified too be President of the United States." The Senator would complain and demand the questions and transcripts be put out for public knowledge. Ryoko would have no objections and the next day said items would be put out. Within the hour most media would be calling the Senator from Delaware "A fool" and one calling him "an idiot that just got played." In an interview Ryoko would reveal a hidden thing...
Ry: While I may have studied and got a degree in Automotive Studies at Arizona State, I minored in Psychology. I know how people think and act. My previous career really showed you who people really where and how fake they can be. The Senator was easy too read, once I agree too be the examination. And now that it hasn't gone his way he is throwing a hissy fit... so who is fit too be President? Maybe he should take one as well. Fair is fair right? It would be fun.
The interviewer would ask her if she thinks he would pass, Ryoko would say "I have no doubt he would. But lets just do it anyway because." The Senator would deny taking a psychological evaluate and Ryoko wouldn't bring it up again, letting the matter die (the media wouldn't however). Ryoko would have rallies in Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Alexs home state of Iowa and Minnesota. Places that over the years have been left behind in certain ways, Ryoko would talk about her plan for bring in training studies for vocational schools.
Ry: While I have stated that the government should get the hell out of most things, this here is one I thing where the government could do something good. I am a big fan of vocational schools. Those types of schools teach skills that are not only well paying but in HIGH demand. I would be willing too set up programs too help people. Yes it is hard work... but hard work is good work. My dad once told me "Ry, always have a back up plan." If my racing didn't work out then I would be an auto mechanic. There are plenty of talented people who there would love too work in these areas.
After her Midwest tour, Ryoko would take a risk... she would visit the West coast, Cailifornia, Oregon and Washington State. Places that a Republican hasn't visited or done well in years. Petra and Kamui are too unsure of why she would but at her first rally (At Auto Club Speedway) both would get their answer.
Petra: Holy shit.
Kamui: Look at all the people.
Although Auto Club Speedway is now a test track and track day heaven for those who still do such a year in 2036. While some of the grandstands are roped off 35,000 people would show up. Showing off a little bit Ryoko would arrive too the stage via racecar, driven by herself. The crowd would roar as Ryoko exits her car.
Ry: How y'all doing tonight?
*crowd roars*
Ry: Good. Figured I'd do this at night as too not cook us all like we in the 7 circles of hell. And thanks too Auto Club Speedway for letting me do this. Won here a few times during my racing days and it is good be back in California.
Like most of her rallys, it lasts about 1 hour and then followed by a Q&A from the crowd. After ACS and the next week, Ryoko would travel up and down the west coast. She would warmly received in pretty much every city she would visit with great crowds too boot. Her opponent would slam her attempt as "futile." Ryoko would retort with "I don't see your butt out here." Including a pictures of her rallies with the huge crowds, which he would say are "fake." Ryoko would retort once more with "Keep digging that hole Senator. Eventually you will never see daylight again."
Very soon Ryoko would announce her VP pick. A pick that will send earthquakes through the media.
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