It is the final GOP debate before the Convention. A former VP under the 48th President, former Speaker of the House and Ryoko herself remaining. It is the last chance for each too make their case too get the GOP nomination for President. In preparation (and in an offer) Petra gets the American branch of Rosenburg involved.
Ry: May I ask why you getting are Rosenburg involved? They aren't a political entity.
Petra: Just because it isn't doesn't mean it doesn't pay attention too political tides.
Ry: This better not be illegal.
Petra: Relax. Only information will be given too you. No money or anything like that. And the information isn't well known but completely legal for any normal person too get. Got people who can crunch numbers and get some more information on polices future happenings
Ryokos campaign has mostly been self funded but she gotten a lot of help from her many fans around the US (and around the world). Only thing that has held her back is information. One of the reasons why she has lasted this long is riding the American people distrust politics in general, one of the reasons why she is so high on certain metrics is because of her non-political background and overall being well known for her kindness and generosity.
Ry: People know who I am (talking too a reporter). Most who go too Washington change and not for the better. In DC approval ratings are in the toilet. Back home among the people they represent, ratings go up. Now you tell me... why is that? DC isn't going too change me. And should it? I'll resign.
That statement would make the rounds and get both positive and negative response. Ryoko would double down on the statement by saying "Since I was a child my parents gave me knowledge and how too act. I guess having two parents with different views and cultures helps. Americans do things one way, Japanese do things other ways. If I betray myself in the values my parents gave me, then I betray them. I hold myself in a high standard with high expectations. Blame my previous profession and my parents." While her response would be received in a general positive manner she would still get blow back. On the night of the final debate Ryoko is prepped by Petra and Kamui.
Ry: Where did you get all this info?
Petra: Rosenburg of course.
Ry: Well then...
Kamui: Hm. A lot of lists...
Petra: Don't worry about weither it is legal or not.
Ry: Now i'm worried.
Petra: Don't be like that. Most of this comes from fact checking websites and organztions on government oversite.
Ry: Well it seems my opponents are very good at certain things. Not that those things are helpful too this country.
Petra: Want too send it out? Make a splash?
Ry: Nope. Save it for tomorrow. However I will give too the moderators too check. Though you have done it for me.
Kamui: I would agree. But you had better nail them with it and good.
Ry: They ain't escaping untouched.
On the debate stage it goes hot and heavy quickly. With both the VP and House Speaker would question Ryokos relationship with the Japanese PM (whom she has known for years.)
Ry: What? Yeah I know him and for a long time. He gave me my medal and gifts. Why is it a problem now? Well Jeez guys. He gave me some gifts out of respect for I have done for Japan. And that was way before I got here. If you are going too question me i'll question you. What about *says some rather interesting things*. Well? If you can't answer then i'll just give it too the moderators too check.
*Both would dodge as best they can*
Ry: I'll give it too them too check anyway... just out of spite.
During the commercial break the moderators would check and verify Ryokos information. The moderators would press them. Ryoko would just stand back and watch them fumble over themselves with trying too deny it. Ryoko would continue her counters throughout the debate. The VP and House Speaker would continue having difficulty answering her and moderators. As she would put it....
Ry: I think the American people have seen enough. I may not be the most experienced here but I do know my opposition. And the American people know much more about you two as well.
After the debate one is made clear, Ryoko isn't going anywhere (though privately she believes she didn't do enough). As a reporter would put it "She basically won by making them fumble over themselves. She was very calculated in her wording and tone." The day after the debate Ryoko would have interview and the interviewee would ask her how she feels being the front runner for the nomination. She would respond by saying "Ain't over yet. People can change their minds. I have no bets too hedge."
At the Convention too decide which of the 3 get the GOP nomination for President, the air is filled with excitement and optimism. Through her campaign Ryoko has been in the top 3 in polls, won enough delegates (won 30 contests) during primaries and held at least 50-55% of the popular vote. Her polices are not strictly conservative (or liberal). And there is with some certainty Ryoko would gain delegates at the Convention, which as the Convention would go on she would. Her first ballot delegates would be close too securing the nomination. Second ballot would her over the top, securing the nomination comfortably.
Ry: I humbly and with great honor accept the nomination for President of the United States. I hope that I make everyone who chose me proud. However it is not time too rest or get complacent. There is much work too do.
Ryokos speech would only be a few minutes and right after that the former Vice President and House Speaker would endorse her for President (as would the 3 Senators in the race before bowing out.) And would pledge too help her win the Presidency as best they can. Her opponent on the other side of the aisle has the experience, run once before (and lost) and is 20 years Ryokos senior. But has problems within his own party and keeping his mouth shut.
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