On the Planet Tattonie The Grey Male and Female have just wrapped up another long trip from another place in which they gathered knowledge of The Force. However the long trip cost them supplies so they decide which one goes around the planet too get them.
"It is your turn."
"Why my love? Why don't we go together?"
"Very rarely our we separated from each other. This will give us a chance too test connection through the Force."
The Female sees his point but isn't too happy about going too some of the most dangerous areas of the Outer Rim by herself. She takes her partners blaster pistol, her lightsaber and a light armor body suit on her travels (under her robs). She tries too take the speeder they have but it doesn't want too start.
"Piece of junk. I guess i'll take the ship then."
"(Forgot too tell you about the speeder)"
"(So helpful my love)"
She mounts up and flies too a small settlement which she and the male frequent. The suppliers don't ask questions and they always pay for their stuff. The suppliers ship off some of the what they need back home but still lack the parts and some of the supplies.
("Any hints my love?")
("Try one of the space ports. Salvage shops should have what we need.")
She mounts up and towards a space port Mos Eisley. Instead of parking in the space port, she parks some distance away, covers their ship up with tarps and heads in. Here she sees a lot shady characters, alien species, scum and villainy. She goes into one of the cantinas. Here music plays and entertains the patrons. She takes a seat at the bar...
"What will it be?"
"Nothing too strong. I got errands too run."
*The bartender gets her drink, set it front of her and lens in*
"A girl like you shouldn't be here. This place is rough."
*She puts a death stick into her mouth*
"I can handle myself. I suggest you tend too your business"
She moves her robs and the bartender can see her lightsaber. The look he gives it one of "okay" and moves on. She drinks her drink and smokes her death stick in pieces, listening too patrons around her for information on this unfamiliar place. However she (and the rest of the patrons) are interrupted by a 2 rowdy aliens. They are obviously drunk and are making a scene. The approach the counter and ask for drinks. One of the aliens notices her tells her (with drunken rudeness) too get out of his seat.
"Don't see her name on it. Was here first."
*His friend takes notice and tells her again touching her arm in the process*
"Touch me again and your never touch anything again with that hand"
The alien calls her bluff and touches her again; with force this time. With lighting speed she ignites her lightsaber and cuts the aliens arm off up too the elbow. He cries out in pain and falls too the floor, his friend draws his blaster but she cuts off the barrel and with a swift kick knocks him too the floor. She holds her lightsaber too the aliens throat, close enough too feel the heat.
"We had too upset a Jedi!"
".... I'm no Jedi."
The cantinas is silent other then the one arm aliens moaning and the sound of the lightsaber. She notices through the Force that a few patrons have their hands on their weapons...
"Too those of you who have your weapons ready too draw, take your hands off them."
A few do but a few don't. So she makes an example of them, Force pulling the weapons from their holsters and slicing them in pieces.
"Anyone else?"
Nobody says or does anything. The bartender walks from the bar with a rather big blaster rifle and approaches the aliens...
"I suggest you both leave here and never come back."
The Alien takes his one armed friend and quickly leaves. The bartender asks the "jedi" outside for a moment.
"Thank you for getting rid of them."
"I gave him a fair warning not too touch me."
"I suggest you make yourself disappear my lady friend. People here know who you are now."
"I only came here too get some supplies for a speeder that is broken. These are the parts in need."
*She shows the list of what is needed*
"Hm.... not that you couldn't find what you need here but I would head else where. Try Mos Espa. Smaller then here but you should find what you need."
"Thank you. You had every right too shot me you know."
"I've ran into your kind before. Know not too do anything that might get me sliced or worse."
She quickly leaves and heads for Mos Espa. Like last time she parks outside the settlement. But out here she can sense small traces of the Force.
("Do you sense something?")
("Yes my love. Force sensitives have been through here.... but in the past.")
She wishes too study this area but it is hotter then hell so she quickly heads into the settlement. Here it is still full of people but mostly civilians trying too eek out a living my selling small things, food and other items. she makes a few purchases...
("You seem more at ease.")
("I am my love. This place is much more..... open. Not so closed in and such.")
What puts her more at ease is seeing children running around playing. For a while she just walks around the back alleys. Seeing a few shady characters but nothing that gives her a reason too be on edge. She even plays with the children when they ask. Even though she sees the conditions they live in, she doesn't help them because it isn't her purpose or as her partner would say "We are not here too free slaves, we are here too hide." She soon passes by a shop and she pauses. The Force calls too her too go inside the shop. Apon entering a sound indicates a customer has entered the shop but no one comes. A large variety of parts are around the shop.
"I hope this place has what I need."
Some parts rather old and broken, some look okay but a few are in great condition. However she sees nothing that she needs. She continues too look around until she sees what looks like what she needs. She lens over too look it at, however the shop keep enters. She can see its reflection on one of the few new and clean parts on around the shop but not clear enough too tell the species.
"What can I do for you uh?"
She is about too turn around when she feels the alien staring at her. She isn't alarmed until her partner ever so playfully chimes in...
("Your backside saves us yet again. ^_^")
*She begins too feel her face flush red*
("Your not helping right now my love.")
("Of course I am. Standing up for your backside. ^_^")
*Her face is now fully red and is burning*
("We will talk later my love")
("We can talk whenever. ^_^")
In order too get the alien too stop staring at her backside, she uses the Force too create a noise too distract the alien. While the aliens looks in the direction of the noise she quickly collects herself and prepares too do business. However when the alien returns its attention too her the look on the aliens face is "Oh pretty lady." However she notes the shop keep is a Toydarian…
("Only money will work on this one.")
"So what is it you need?"
"I need these parts for my speeder."
"uh. I think I have what you need uh? Come out back."
She follows the Toydarian out too the back of the shop. She notes however that she wishes too purchase "good" parts not "junk" parts. The Toydarian is more then happy too do such a thing. In short order she finds the parts she needs and they head back too the shop too complete the transaction. However the Toydarian has too deal with one of his slaves not doing a proper job. While not violent the Toydarian isn't using nice words. He looks back too his customer whos eyes are glowing red with rage. The Toydarian hurries his slave along too do something else and returns too his customer (she is now calm and ready too finish business). The transaction is finish but not before the Toydarian gives the female grey a 10% discount. However she notes that the parts will have too be shipped out, which she is willing too pay for. The Toydarian says he will help pay for the shipping.
"Thank you for the help."
"Say... you a Jedi?"
"What if I am?"
"Uh.... Anie Skywalker is a Jedi. I figured you might know him."
"Heard the name but I have never met that person before."
"Uh Too bad."
"I'm no Jedi by the way."
"Well... why are you out here in a place like this?"
"Too hide."
"Hide? From what?"
"None of your business Toydarian."
"Fine... fine. But you are welcome in my store anytime if you need anything."
She leaves the store and returns too her ship. However the fact that the Toydarian knows Master Skywalker is something she can't stop thinking about. The Force however calls too her, drawing her away from home.
("When you will be back? Getting late.")
("The Force is calling me my love. I must know what it is going too show me.")
She flies away toward the desert. After sometime she sees in the distance a large structure in some rocks as she gets near them she doesn't know what it is for.
("What is it you see?")
("I don't know my love. looks like some place for people too sit. And there is equipment on the inside of the structure here.")
("Find out in the morning.... we can study it together.")
("On my way.")
She returns home just as the suns set. The next day they return too the structure in the desert.
"What is this for?"
The female grey remembers something similar on another planet called Malistare.
"Pod Racing."
"Malistare had a pod racing circuit."
"Pardon my ignorance but I didn't know you were a fan."
"My Master was my love. We went too Malistare once and he got tickets too the Professional Pod Racing circuit. When My Master was not teaching me the ways of the darkside he was a gear head in his private time. He bet on the races all the time."
"Keep finding out things about you all the time. Including the death sticks."
"Apologizes my love. But... you've never really asked me about my past."
"Figured you didn't want too talk about it."
"I can be open with you my love."
"I guess the Force can't show us everything. Master Skywalker was a pod racer if I remember right."
"When he was a slave. Master Ginn and Master Kenobi saved him."
"Hm... must be amazing. Going at those speeds... with no safety of any kind at all. All for the thrill of victory and fame..."
The pair walk around structures. The female gets flash images in her mind of races past, mostly of Master Skywalker racing for his freedom and obviously getting it. She hears the fans cheer as he crosses the line first.
"What an experience he must have had. A slave too winning his freedom in the span of one day."
"The force helped guide him."
The stay until they hear Tuskin Raiders nearby. They leave quickly and head back home. On another journey into the far reaches of space the pair are on a planet and the Professional Pod Racing circuit is in town. They buy a pair of tickets and watch the races...
To be continued.....
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