A few days after The Resistance captured The Seed Ranch the fighting between the Peggies and Resistance has increased many fold. House too house and corner too corner. But the Peggies still have some interesting strings too pull. At the Hope County Jail Sheriff Whitehorse, Tracey and those from the Whitetail Militia conven over the radio. The Deputy is there are well.
Tracey: We are losing too many people.
Whitehorse: Well so are they.
Tracey: They brought the Angels back...
Whitehorse: I thought that ended with Faith.
Deputy: Racheal knows how too make them but it isn't her doing this.
Whitehorse: We have too find out who.
Deputy: Right...
While they talk Racheal is listening. She in an airduct... the same one the Deputy used too enter the jail during the siege. Racheal full well knew after her little show and tell too the county that the Peggies and some of the Militia would be gunning for her so she just decided too be sneaky and use the not so normal entrance too the jail. She didn't know that they Angels have returned and it doesn't sit well with her. However everyone is interrupted by a radio call...
Jess: Deputy?
Deputy: Jess? What is up?
Jess: Racheal is gone.
Deputy: What?
Jess: She is gone... she is just gone.
Dutch: She left in the middle of the night. Toke her weapons, equipment everything. Who knows where she is.
Deputy: It will be fine Dutch.
Dutch: Watch your backs everyone....
*The Deputy turns the radio off*
Deputy: Done hearing that shit...
Whitehorse: Still a Seed Rook.
Deputy: Don't start Sheriff...
Whitehorse: The Peggies will get her or we will. She will have too dealt with eventually.
"You just got your chance"
Everyone looks up too the upper floor of the room and sees Racheal (all dressed up). They train their weapons on Racheal (minus Tracey and the Deputy). She then begins a slow walk along the left side of the upper floor, never once breaking eye contact with them. The Deputy and Tracey are speechless. That is Racheal... but it is someone they don't recognize physically. The clothes, face paint, the gear, the look in her eyes. Racheal drops down too the 2nd floor and begins another slow walk around too the right side of the room. Still never breaking eye contact with those below. She then drops down too the main floor. A few resistance members surround her as she walks toward Sheriff Whitehorse. His gun meets her forehead and she stops dead in front of him.
Racheal: Here is your chance Sheriff.... take it.
Whitehorse doesn't know what too do. Racheal looks at him right in the eyes and never once break eye contact with him.
Racheal: You scared Sheriff? Having flashbacks? I'm not here with a needle full of Bliss, that is for Joseph and John. I'm not here too take you back their... i'm here too help.
*Whitehorse still doesn't move a muscle*
Racheal: Who are you going too kill Sheriff? Faith Seed? Or Racheal Jessop?
*The radio crackles too life*
Jess: Racheal? Where are you?
*Racheal toggles the radio on her tactical vest*
Racheal: Right here Jess.
Jess: *sigh* Your safe. Where are you?
Racheal: Staring the Sheriff right in the eyes.
Jess: Oh God....
Racheal: All cool here Jess. Everything is fine.
Jess: Deputy....
*The Deputy approaches Whitehorse and Racheal*
Deputy: Sheriff.... Earl.
*Whitehorse safeties his weapon and lowers it*
Whitehorse: I don't know what is more scary... you in the Bliss, you standing in front of me or you fighting the Peggies.
Racheal: What is this with the Angels? I killed all of them.
Whitehorse: I guess you didn't. Someone is controlling them or at least guiding them.
Deputy: Have too find out who.
For the next few hours they begin too plan for dealing with the Angels and all the Peggie checkpoints and road blocks. During the night Racheal is out on patrol around the prison. Most of the resistance members avoid her, which is fine with her. On her 2nd pass around she sees The Deputy and Tracey talking.
Deputy: What is up with Racheal?
Tracey: Don't know. I know she is good at getting in peoples heads but this is something new.
Deputy: Most of the people here are avoiding her and not talking too her.
*Racheal approaches them*
Racheal: Everything okay?
Deputy: Well...
Tracey: We are worried about you.
*The look on Racheal face is one of confusion*
Racheal: Why?
Deputy: Can't we be?
Tracey: The last time she saw you were out cold, beat up and near death. And now here you are looking like you are we are just..... concerned.
*A Resistance members runs too them with some pizza and quickly leaves*
Racheal: Haven't eaten all day... don't mind if I do.
Deputy: There is the Racheal Jessop I remember.
Racheal: I'm still me.... just letting the monster come out too play. The monster he created.
Tracey: Don't let it consume you Racheal.
Racheal: It will not be like last time. My time out here has given me the skills needed too help you guys.
For a while Tracey and The Deputy reconnect with Racheal. Though they are still worried they are glad too her. Once the pizza is finish Racheal returns too her patrol around the prison. Tracey too relieves her too some sleep. At the crack of dawn she awaken by The Deputy.
Deputy: Hey wake up, got some info that will interest you.
Racheal is taken too main prison area where Earl in briefing the resistance on mission being undertaken. Since she doesn't have her face paint on people around her are at a bit more ease. Sheriff Whitehorse approaches her and The Deputy.
Whitehorse: This is for the both you. Someone snapped a photo of someone who might becoming the next "you."
*The picture is of a blonde women, in a similar clothing too what Faith Seed would wear. But the picture doesn't get a good shot that the womens face. Racheal becomes uneasy.*
Racheal: I knew he would replace me... fuck.
Deputy: Where is she located?
Whitehorse: While this is the only photo our scouts have reports a lot of man power at the Kellett Cattle. Company house. Protecting something. You two check it out. Suggest going in at night for better cover.
Racheal: Wouldn't have it any other way.
The Deputy and Racheal take all day too prepare, studying what info is available. Right before they leave at Sunset Racheal is in her prison cell preparing her gear and herself. While finishing her face paint and Deputy watches...
Deputy: Racheal..... why do you do that? Why do you make yourself look like that?
*Racheal gets up, grabs her weapons*
Racheal: Ready Dep?
Deputy: Eh... yeah.
Racheal: Second thoughts?
Deputy: Nope. Lets do this.
While they travel, The Deputy watches Racheal, whom isn't talking at all. Like she is in a another place, mentally preparing or thinking of something. The only thing heard is the sound of the rain hitting the windshield. When they arrive they leave their car some distance away and travel by foot. When they reach Kellett Cattle, they see a lot guards but no sign of the "new" Faith.
Deputy: Well I guess we will get started, this rain will help.
Racheal: *hands the Deputy her MS16 and some magazines* Cover me form the tree line.
Deputy: You are NOT going in by yourself at close range.
Racheal: I got this *pulls out a 1887 with a reflex sight*. You forgot a rifle, so use mine. Has the optic and sound suppresser. Got my pistol and bow too, not going too just use the shotgun. Save it for indoors, only got 5 shots for it.
Deputy: *Sigh* Alright but i'm staying in connect with you no matter what.
Racheal nods and takes off toward the ranch house. The Deputy circles the out perimeter of the area and relays Racheal too the number of guards.
Deputy: Got 10 outside, inside number unknown.
Racheal: Roger.
Deputy: Lets take this slow, one at a time. though I could do this all by myself, give me enough ammo.
Racheal: Just need a guardian angel Dep.
Racheal starts on the far perimeter then works her way toward the buildings. The Deputy watches through Racheals rifles scope, how efficient and brutal she is being.
Deputy: Hang on Racheal... going too change spots.
Racheal: Roger.
Racheal hides while the Deputy switches locations. Her spot has a better view of the road and the front.
Deputy: Done.
Racheal: Roger.
Racheal continues the one by one killing of the Peggie guards, however The Deputy sees trucks coming.
Deputy: Got a truck coming from the north.... 4 Peggies. Hide I got them.
Racheal hides near the house, while The Deputy does some expert rapid fire long range shooting, killing the 4 Peggies. The Truck stop and The Deputy shots out the truck lights, hiding it in the darkness.
Deputy: Mag change... get it off the road Racheal. Going too circle around the house... see who is inside.
Racheal: On it.
Racheal moves the truck and Deputy circles the house...
Deputy: I see 2 main floor. None the wiser.... can't see the upper floors but the lights are on. Got too get too higher ground.
Racheal: Truck is swimming.... one my way back.
With the second floor in sight The Deputy can see 2 people... but can't get high enough for clarity.
Deputy: 2 top floor. One is blonde... found our "faith." The other is a older women.
Racheal: Going in.
Deputy: Racheal wait!!!
Racheal: Call you when it is clear.
Racheal shuts off her radio and enters the house through the back door (before entering she takes off her boots). Quietly she enters the living room and sees one guard. She quickly kills the guard, she then hears foot steps and hides behind a wall. The moment the guard sees his dead comrade Racheal kills him too. Racheal waits too see if anyone upstairs hears anything. After a few minutes she assume no so she quietly heads up but before doing The Deputy knocks on the front window and points up and shows 3 fingers. Racheal nods and tells the Deputy too hold on. She holsters her pistol and draws her 1887, checking the chamber.
Racheal: Who ever opens that door... "Faith" or not will get it.
Quietly heading up stairs, all the doors are closed but one has light coming from under it. Racheal hears talking but can't make out what is said. She checks the other rooms but the doors are locked. Approaching the only room not checked she knocks on the door. Someone is heard approaching the door. Once the door opens Racheal unloads a round into the guard. The results are very brutal and bloody. When the guard lands someone in the room screams. Silence follows only with Racheal racking her shotgun and sound of the empty shell bouncing around on the floor. She pushes the door open and enters. The Deputy was correct in their being 2 people, slinging the 1887 and drawing her pistol she eyes the rooms too occupants. Quickly Racheal recognizes one of them...
Racheal: Sister Nancy..... been a while hasn't it?
Nancy: Hellspawn…
Racheal: Hm... you hurt me. Not really... just a creation of "The Father." And of Faith....
Nancy: Doesn't listen too a word she says.... her soul is corrupted. John is looking for her.
Racheal: Oh I know he is. And i'm look for him. I'm not corrupted... just really fucking pissed.
The young blonde women isn't talking and Racheal can tell is scared out of her mind. But Racheal gets a nagging feeling....
Racheal: (I have seen her before....)
*Nancy tries too reach for a pistol on the table*
Racheal: Go ahead Sister Nancy... touch it. Give me an excuse.... You know Sister Nancy when I was in US Marshall Burke mind he kept thinking one thing for I got my hooks into him. Want too know what it was?
*Nancy doesn't say word*
Racheal: "Fucking Nancy..." He was pissed at you.
Nancy: God is judging you.
Racheal: I'm already in hell... just bring it too you fuckers before I go their personally.
Racheal eyes the other women. Reading her mannerisms and such. It then dawns on Racheal who it is...
Racheal: You are Sara... right?
Nancy: Your name is Faith now.
Racheal: Shut the fuck up Nancy, we are talking here.
Sara: Your Faith... right?
Racheal: One of them.
Sara: One of them?
Racheal: They haven't told you anything have they? Was in your place once...
Nancy: Don't...
*Racheal shots at her feet. Sara lets out a scared squeak. Racheal turns on her radio*
Racheal: Come on up Deputy... all clear.
Deputy: Roger.
*From below they hear the door open and The Deputy head up stairs*
Deputy: Outside is clear.... Racheal.
Nancy and Deputys eyes lock. Racheal can tell The Deputies rage is at a boiling point.
Racheal: Take that piece of shit down stairs. Me and Sara have too talk.
Deputy: With pleasure...
The Deputy gives Racheal her rifle and ammo back and takes the 1887 off her. Then she drags Nancy down stairs and Racheal shuts the door.
Sara: What did you mean by "one of them?"
Racheal: There has been more then one Faith Seed. Before me at least 3 or 4 of them.
Sara: What happened too them?
Racheal: Knowing The Father dead somewhere.
*Sara turns a ghost white*
Racheal: I was his favorite.... because I never let him down and always had Faith in him. In reality I was scared of him. Frightened of what he would do too me if I disappointed him. I never wanted too be around him. John and Jacob I really had no issue with.... they taught me everything there is too know about being one his Heralds. Everything was going as well as it could.... until the Deputy showed up.
Sara: What happened?
Racheal: The Deputy wrecked my entire Bliss operation and we fought.
Sara: You did? What happened?
Racheal: We beat the hell out of one another. In the end though I was the one under the gun. She had every right too kill me.... I was beaten, I was lost and ready for it too end. I tired of living in fear, the drugs... everything. Yet here I am.
Sara: Why?
Racheal: Because we are the same. Former drug addicts. The Deputy was saved by a police officer, I was saved by a police officer. And I saved her and I can save you. You aren't in the Bliss fully yet.
*Racheal offers her hand*
Racheal: I can train you, give you the skills needed too survive out here. You can help us.
*Sara looks unsure*
Racheal: You become the next Faith Seed, you WILL be replaced at some point. You replaced me. The Father toke 8 years of my of life away from me... 8 years I can never get back. I'm offering you a different path too walk Sara.
Sara takes Racheals hand and they head down stairs. The Deputy is waiting for them (Nancy is tied too a chair). The Deputies face lights up when Racheal and Sara appear. She hugs both of them.
Sara: What is your name? It isn't Faith...
Racheal: Racheal..... Racheal Jessop.
Nancy: No!!!
Deputy: And you bitch.... you are coming back with us.
Racheal: Maybe a trip into the Bliss is in order?
Deputy: The Bliss is too good a fate. Maybe an Angel?
Racheal: Sure. But I think your Sheriff would love too have a word first.
Everyone throws Nancy into the back of the truck and they head too the jail. Sara is between Racheal and The Deputy.
Sara: I have too know about my friends.
Deputy: What friends?
Sara: Alex and Hannah. They came with me here.
Racheal: They are dead.
Sara: What!?
Racheal: Jacob got Hannah... she didn't last long. She going too be in the military right?
Sara: *Weeping* Yes...
Racheal: Your friend Alex is strung up somewhere. Heard about it.
Sara cries as the Racheal comforts her. They return too the Jail and everyone welcomes them. Sara is taken inside for food and a health check up. Racheal heads too her cell for some sleep and The Deputy helps the planning for more attacks on Edens Gate. Deep in the night The Deputy is still up, reading reports and studying plans for the next set of attacks. Sara enters the cell area...
Deputy: Should get some sleep Sara. Been a rough time for you.
Sara: I'm fine Deputy. Thank you but I do want too talk.... if you have time.
Deputy: *sets down her reports* What is up?
*Sara takes a seat beside the Deputy*
Sara: What happened between you and Racheal?
Deputy: Well.... kind of a long story. But "Faith" had taken me into the Bliss a few times, trying too control me. When I didn't bend too her, she toke control of the Marshall Cameron Burke and used him too shoot died Virgin Minkler and helped get the Peggies inside the prison. Though "Faith" had already gotten too the Marshall already and got him good. After freeing the prison and tried too free the Sheriff "Faith" stopped me and threatened me not too interfere with him. We then fought...
Sara: She already told me about that... a little.
Deputy: She showed me no mercy and I showed her no mercy either. Toke everything I had too beat her... down too the last bullet I had. And I for a moment... had every intention too end her. She toke steps towards me but held my ground. It wasn't until I saw the look in her eyes that I paused.
Sara: You paused because you saw yourself. Being a former drug addict.
Deputy: Yes... I did see myself. I saw Racheal Jessop not Faith Seed. I found notes and messages left by Racheal. Notes of fear and sadness. I said that I would "free her from this life." She closed her eyes and waited for the end.
Sara: The end never came obviously.
Deputy: I fired into the river behind her. When she opened her eyes and looked behind her I could tell the her expression on her face. When she looked too me... It is a look i'll never forget. So much emotion yet confusion. I hugged her.... the rest is history.
Sara: You saved her from The Father too.
Deputy: Yeah I did. Once John is gone.... I don't what will happen. Racheal is hiding something... something from her time in The Project. I don't know what but it is something dark.
Sara: Is that why she dresses like that?
Deputy: Well she is a master at manipulating people. I guess it is just too get in peoples heads.
Sara: Worked on me.
Deputy: PEG knows about her. Keep hearing about a "Demon" and "Hellspawn."
Sara joins the Resistance against Edens Gate and helps in the fighting.
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