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Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Far Cry 5 Fanfiction: Know Thy Self

The Deputy has entered Jacob Seeds territory and freed the Lumber Mill (and Jess Black in the process). The Resistance is using the new foot hold too make decent progress and the Deputy makes contact with The Whitetail Militia. In the Henbane Region Racheal Jessop is  studying information she toke from her old home. What she discovers is that Project Edens Gate was close making a Bliss weapon that could either be used like a normal grenade or placed on a plane and used like a bomb. Spreading Bliss over a decent sized area.

Racheal: This...… this could have turned out bad.

The rest of the report details how that it would have worked but for some reason PEGs didn't go through with it. Racheal knows who would know why. Feeney, one of the heads of Bliss production escaped from the Deputy and was never found. But Racheal knows exactly where he is. Racheal travels too Feeneys cabin and watches and waits. She studies the patrol routs of his guards for a few nights until she makes her move. Silently taking out his guards one by one until none our left. She then enters the bunker. She catches Feeney asleep and "rudely" awakens him.

Feeney: The Hell!!!!
Racheal: Wake up!!!!
Feeney: Who are you!?
Racheal: You not remember this voice or face?
*Racheal removes her hat and mask covering her face*
Feeney: Sister Faith!!!
*Racheal points her pistol at Feeneys face*
Racheal: Yeah I am Faith Seed but my real name is Racheal Jessop asshole.
Feeney: Why are holding me at gun point!?
Racheal: I'm working WITH the Deputy. Freeing this county and its people from my adoptive "brothers."
Feeney: Traitorous bitch!!!

Racheal bashes him in the face with the butt end of her MS16, breaking his nose.

Racheal: Shut your damn mouth Feeney. *throw the papers at him* Tell me, what does this mean? Why hasn't this been developed? How does it work?
Feeney: i'm not helping you!!!
*Racheal fires a shot that miss only by the slightest of margins*
Racheal: Next one is your brains splattered all over this place. Start talking!!!!

Feeney explains that they were planning too gas the Hope County Jail, Whitetail Mountains and Falls End with Bliss too make the Resistance submit. However the PEG get the right mixture right with the explosives used in the weapon. However the Gas Grenade idea was only a few days away form being completed before the Deputy and team showed up, putting the plan on hold. Racheal then gets a nagging feeling that Faith Seed was head of the project.

Feeney: I've told you everything I know.
Racheal: Can you make some of those gas grenades?
Feeney: Why?
Racheal: I have use for them.
Feeney: The hell I am making them for you!!!
*Racheal raises her weapon*
Feeney: The Father will hear of this....
Racheal: They are for the Seed siblings Feeney. Your Sister wants you too make them... if not. Then well I could always use another Angel.
Feeney: Fine.... fine I will.

Feeney works through the night making 3 Bliss grenades for Racheal. When he is finished she knocks him out and exits his bunker but not before grabbing some syringes of Bliss as well. She parks a truck on top of his bunker door so he can't leave and then sets off toward the giant statue of Joseph Seed. As she walks she knows there is one way of pissing off the Father and Faith..... by blowing up the whole statue. When she arrives there isn't anyone around so she blows open the doors leading into the statue and gets too work setting up explosives on all the levels. When she reaches the final levels she finds her own (Faiths) personal copy of Josephs prophecies. However instead she places one of the Bliss grenades on a box pulls the pin. A few moments later Bliss fills the inner part of the statue. Racheal is soon overcome by the Bliss and a familiar feeling comes with it.

"You have a lot of nerve coming here."

A voice calls out. But it isn't Racheals….. it is another person with the same voice. When Racheal opens her eyes she in the Bliss fully. A beautiful place, peaceful place. However it is short lived when Faith appears and she isn't very happy.

Faith: You....
Racheal: Got something too say?
Faith: I'm gong too send you back too the darkness from which you came Racheal Jessop. And you will NEVER come back up.
Racheal: You can try.

Faith sprouts wings of light and lifts off the ground. Racheal doesn't holster her weapons, remembering what the Deputy told her.

"Not all your problems can be solved with a bullet."

Faith does her best too hit Racheal with her Bliss attacks but Racheal dodges. Faith becomes extremely angry that Racheal isn't fighting back and that she can't hit her.

Racheal: Not all problems are solved with violence Faith.
Faith: Says the person who has killed others!
Racheal: Oh the irony....

Faith stops and lands a bit away from Racheal.

Racheal: Coming from someone who has torn families apart with her "promise" of happiness, who killed Virgil and a US Government officer because the Deputy wouldn't yield too your bullshit. Whom falsely thought the Deputy would turn around.....
Faith: Your point?
Racheal: Why did you think the Deputy was so easy too turn? Because you saw an easy mark? Or maybe something else.....
Faith: Out with it Racheal!!!
Racheal: You are scared of The Father Faith..... I know everything. He beat you, threatened you, piled you with drugs, "put his faith into you."
Faith: Us..... he did all that too us.....
Racheal: When the Deputy fired into the river she freed me... but wounded you. She could have easily ended it but instead showed her past and forgave. She knew of MY past.

Racheal raises her MS16 too Faith, much the Deputy did before. Ready too end it all. Faith looks at Racheal with a lost look. Racheal has beaten her by not even firing a shot.

Racheal: You have a choice, either help me.... or die.

Racheal knows Faith better then Faith knows herself. Even though they are the same person, the Deputy has given one a chance at a new life, even though the old life is still around.

Faith: ….
Racheal: Your choice is a binary one. Just so you know, just because "we" are the most devoted of Faiths.... there is no reason why he couldn't have "replaced" us. And you know it.
Faith: You are right...… Racheal Jessop.

Faith walks too Racheal, lowering her weapon with her hand.

Faith: The Father isn't what he seems..... this is true. The Father thinks the Deputy will end us all yet the Deputy spared you. If someone was a snake in the garden then why?
Racheal: ….
Faith: I'll help you Racheal..... Jacob can pull some strings that even the Deputy can't break.

Racheal lowers her weapon, while still not fully convinced she does extend her hand which Faith takes.

Racheal: I'm going too blow up this statue we are in and burn your copy of his words. That will kick the hornets nest.

The Bliss fades away and reality sets in. Racheal quickly exits the statue (book in hand) and gets some distance before pushing the button. The explosives go off and statue with them. Big pieces fall the too the ground at its base. When the smoke clears only the bare frame of the statue remains. The radio goes crazy with activity. Racheal then takes a lighter too the book and throws it into air. Over the radio chatter a familiar voice chims in.

"Too who ever destroyed that statue.... I will be send people too find you too show my displeasure."
Racheal: Too bad Father....

Then over the radio Racheal hears that the Deputy has been captured by Jacob. Shivers are sent down her back as she fully knows what will happen too her. She quickly hightails it too the north too the Whitetail Mountains.... and Jacob Seed.

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