Plot: Rachel finds what she seeks and escapes from the Labs, getting another step closer to freedom. She also helps get Willis, Deputy, and Grace into Tarkov. She also helps them settle in and gear them up since they will be there awhile.
Map of Labs:
After the 4 highly geared goons leave Rachel enters the first floor of the Labs. She uses a map by the stairs to get a direction to go.
Rach: Hm... seems might as well try out the lecture area. The central area is a no go... might as well go through the car park.
Working her way down the halls she enters a server room. She remembers Fence saying it is either on a flash drive (which she has), paperwork, or on a computer. Many server banks are present however no laptop so she continues through too the car park. There is a lot of cover so Rachel sits tight and waits for a bit. She hears walking inside the car park after a few minutes. Poking her head out she sees 2 more goons. Like the other 4, they are heavily armed and armored.
Rach: I don't think I sneak around them. *sigh* Might as well face them.
Raising her Archangel she down the first one cleanly through the face with one shot. The other takes cover but doesn't return fire. She then hears talking...
Rach: He ain't calling for help.
She then takes a risk in rushing the goons position, peppering it with her Saiga while on the move toward him. Killing him when he tries to return fire. Rachel unloads the remaining rounds form her 20 round mag and puts those into her duffel bag. Reloading with a fresh 20 round mag she looks over the goon.
Rachel: You sir... are kitted out. Too bad I can't take your stuff-
She is then hit by a shot from her left. The force of the make her lose her balance and fall over a small ledge onto the floor below. "Got the fucker." Apparently, his friends came as soon they heard him say a few words. "Don't screw around... confirm it." The goon goes to check... "What the hell?" He doesn't find Rachel's body except for her boots left behind. "Boots... that means-" One suddenly drops from a shot straight through the throat. While he chokes on his own blood his buddies take cover where they can. "Where the fuck did that come from!?" "Asshole is still here... that is a neat trick with boots there guy. Too bad you are just delaying the end for yourself!"
Rachel: Not a guy asshole. By the way whoever shot me... I will save you for last.
"A woman?"
Rachel: Don't know myself how I got here. But it doesn't matter. You shot me and now have my undivided attention. I will pick you off one by one until you are all dead.
"Good luck bitch."
Rachel shots another one right the face shield of his helmet. The sound echoes around the car park and the remaining pair just fire in every direction possible.
"Stop firing damn it! We have no idea where she is."
"She knows what she is doing."
"No shit."
The pair separate and try to find where Rachel is hiding. Other then the ambient sounds of the car park there is silence. Suddenly an alarm is tripped and a voice speaks over the loudspeakers as the hanger door opens. "She is just using it as a distraction. Keep focused." The voice ended quickly but the alarm blares for a bit longer until the hanger door is open.
"Did you find anything yet?"
"Hey see anything?"
The goon looks for his buddy and he does find him... with 2 bullets through the chest and 2 through the face.
Rachel: You are all alone now.
"Bitch come on out!"
Rachel: Hm... how about no. Having too much fun tormenting you.
"You are a sick bitch!"
Rachel: Got to be sick to survive this place. Got to be a murderous mind.
The goon checks every possible hiding spot and doesn't find Rachel. "I am a master manipulator cunt. I can make you go where ever I want. And I am doing just that." Rachel stalks' behind the goon, toying with him. Rachel soon however tires of this shots him in the knees with her Archangel. He crumbles to the ground in a heap and she drags his ass against some boxes.
Rachel: You are too easy.
"What are you!?
Rachel: A monster... boogeymen. Now before I send you too where you deserve to be, I want some information. And I will get it out of you. So you can either go easy... or go the hard way.
"What do you want to know?"
Rachel: Where can you send information out of here? Like on a laptop or something.
"Try the lecture hall."
Rachel: Good. Now, where are my boots?
"Where you left them."
Rachel: Good boy.
She shoots him in the face and collects her boots. Exiting the car park she enters a hallway with a lot of pipes and lines on the floor. She picks a line and follows it. The line leads to a room with a giant wall screen and tables set up like a college classroom. "Please be here." In the far back corner are a laptop and some paperwork. Rachel quickly goes to the stuff and looks it over.
Rachel: Bingo! Already my ticket too freedom. Come to momma.
Putting the stuff in the duffel bag she now has to escape. "Well, I never saw the drainage place on the upper floors. Might as well try the basement."
She heads toward the stairs when her wound starts bothering her. She checks herself and the round misses her plate by millimeters and barely went through her armor... breaking the skin above her left breast. "Ugh... might as well give myself something too dull the pain." Out of her bag, she pulls out a blue pen-shaped object. She pulls her sleeve up and sticks herself with the pen. After a few seconds whatever she stuck herself with takes effect.
Rachel: Whoa.
*She feels a brief sense euphoria then the pain is gone.*
Rachel: What the hell was that?
*Checks the label on the pen. It says "Morphine."*
Rachel: Remember Rachel... recovering drug addict. Idiot.
Throwing the pen aside she heads downstairs. Lucky for her the stairs are right next too where she needs to be, a map at the bottom of the stairs says as such.
Rachel: Might as well check the area around to make sure I am NOT going too buttfucked by those goons.
Heading down the sewer run she sees the panel and her exit. Taking a right out of the room and follows some pipes around. Feeling comfortable enough she heads back to her exfil and too the panel drain the water.
Rach: Okay... how does this fucking thing work?
*She presses a few buttons*
Rach: Oh for crying out loud!
*Continues pressing buttons*
Rach: Oh for the love of god!
*Finally she presses the right set of buttons*
Rach: That was harder than sex...
The water begins draining however it is taking its sweet time. As it does drain Rachel hears voice down the hallway. "I had better take care of them." Trying to limit her exposure as much as possible she begins shooting at the goons down the hallway and at the corner closest to her room. During this engagement, Rachel goes her 20 and 10 round Saiga mags and 2 of her 30 round Archangel mags. When she turns her head too at the water level the conduit is fully drained and ready.
Rachel: Run and gun time.
She jumps over the railing, continuing firing toward the hallway as she runs out of the Labs. The goons set after her, leading to a run and gunfight in out of the Labs. In the end, one of Fence's people is waiting for her. He helps repeal her pursuers.
Rach: Tell Fence that I am not happy about him not telling me about the heavily armed and armored fucks that inhabit that place.
"You can tell him yourself. Come on."
Rachel meets up with Fence and gives him the stuff (and a tongue lashing). She asks about her ticket out of here and Fence replies "Working on it. And I still have more work for you." She is taken back to her hideout where she finds the laptop is still open and the battery almost dead.
Rach: Fucking Gregory... let me charge you up.
As she plugs it in she sees a new email that reads "Turn on your camera when you can." She really isn't in the mood after having what seems like 1000 rounds fired at her but she does so.
Rach: What the fuck you guys want?
*Proceeds to start taking off her gear*
"Rachel Jessop?"
Rach: Who asks?
"Willis Huntley... CIA."
Rach: Oh... the CIA dicklick who is the sole reason why I am here.
Willis: You are supposed too dead.
Rach: I get that a lot. Now what the hell do you want?
Willis: Your location.
Dep: I, Grace, and Agent man here are coming to get you.
Rach: Say what?
Willis: Yep. We just need to find where you are. But thanks to some tech. We have a fix.
Rach: Good luck getting in... place blockaded by land and sea.
Willis: Damn...
Rach: Try finding some UN guy named Peacekeeper.
Willis: Is that his real name?
Rach: No but I can't repeat it. Wears sunglasses, trench coat, and looks ugly.
Willis: Alright.
Rach: How long will it take you?
Willis: 36-48 hours.
Rach: I will let Peacekeeper know. Make sure you bring American money.
Willis: Why?
Rach: He only takes American money. Euros and Roubles will not work.
Willis: How much?
Rach: Don't know. Figure it out.
Willis. Grace, Deputy. Let us go.
Jess, Tracey, Hudson, and Whitehorse stay on with Rachel and help her treat her wound as best she can. Willis, Grace, and Deputy Claire starts off by traveling too Langley then too Britain, Germany, Poland and then Russia. Willis uses some CIA contacts within Russia to help them get as close too Tarkov as possible. Then they are on their own. They manage to find a border crossing manned by some UN soldiers. Even with Willis saying he is with the CIA they do not let them enter. Rachel is with Peacekeeper when one of his people radios in telling him of 3 people bugging him for entry into Tarkov. Peacekeeper gets the description of the 3 and Rachel says that is her 'associates.' Peacekeeper takes her to the crossing.
Dep: You don't let us in then you will get extra lead in your diet.
"Fuck off bitch. You don't scare me."
Dep: Even with a rifle pointed at your face?
"Got a sets balls on you for threatening a UN Peacekeeper."
Willis: Violence isn't the answer.
Grace: Dep relax.
*A UN truck stops at the crossing with Peacekeeper and Rachel exiting*
Dep: Rachel!
Peacekeeper: Friends of yours?
Rach: Yeah. Got payment for the man?
Willis: Here comrade.
*Peacekeeper gets a fat stack of US dollars*
Rach: Is that enough?
Peacekeeper: Plenty, let them enter.
Rach: Come on you guys.
Willis: I will stay with the Peacekeeping guy here.
Peacekeeper: Just stay out of my way.
The 3 girls a taken to Rachels hideout. Grace and Claire look around.
Grace: You stay here?
Rach: My home... away from home.
Dep: Didn't look as bad on the video.
Rach: It is an old bomb shelter. Obviously upgraded and cleaned up. Guys hungry?
Grace/Dep: Starving.
*Rachel open her Lucky Scav Junkbox that is full of all sorts of food and drink*
Rach: Not fancy but it works.
MRE lunch boxes, green peas, cans of beef stew, water, and pineapple juice are consumed by Grace and Claire.
Rach: Get some sleep you guys. Tomorrow I got to get you guys kitted out. Since you will be here a while.
Dep: Yeah. We got to get the guy who got you.
Grace and Claire sleep for roughly 12 hours. When they are ready they and see Ragman first.
Dep: Who is this?
Rach: The guy who will get your protection and clothing.
Ragman: Friends of yours?
Rach: My 'associates.' And don't ask questions.
Ragman: Fine.
Grace and Claire look around. Claire finds a USEC body armor.
Ragman: Good choice. Easily repairable and lightweight. Protects only your chest and back though.
Dep: I will take it.
Grace: What this blue one?
Rach: I wear that one. BNTI- Kirasa. Good choice.
Ragman: Anything else for your... lady friends?
Dep: What is this?
Ragman: Armored chest rig. ANA Tactical M1. The plates are made of Titan level 4. Plenty of space for mags.
Dep: Sold.
Rach: Miss Grace?
Grace: Hm... this one.
Ragman: Ars Arma A18 Skanda. Class 4 plates of combined materials. Plenty of pouches.
Grace: I will take it.
Ragman: Would your lady friends like them too be fitted for them?
Rach: Of course. Cost extra?
Ragman: Made some room with your buys. For free.
Claire and Grace get their gear tailored to their shape and get some tactical clothing as well (Ragman cuts Rachel a deal). They next visit Mechanic.
Mechanic: Who are they?
Rach: "Associates" of mine. Want my money or not?
Mechanic: Depends. Got plenty to choose from.
Grace and Claire are rather wide-eyed and open-mouthed. Before them is row after row of pristine guns. All clean and some modified.
Grace: US Military never had shit like this.
Mechanic: I am better than the Military.
*Claire is drawn to an M4*
Dep: *wolf whistle*
Mechanic: You like?
Dep: Do I ever.
Mechanic: Some USEC wanted me to modify a standard M4 too that spec. He paid upfront but never came back for it. Maybe you *Points too Rachel* killed him.
Rach: So it is free?
Mechanic: I need the room.
Rach: Yours Dep.
Dep: Cool!!!
Mechanic: What about you?
Grace: Not really a fan of Automatic rifles.
Rach: You will need one here as a backup Miss Armstrong.
Mechanic: I got just what you need.
*Mechanic gets a modified Sig Sauer MPX*
Mechanic: Couldn't sleep one night so I made that. I call it the MQB.
Rach: Take it Grace.
Grace: Talked me into it.
Mechanic: Is that all?
Rach: Cash me out.
With the purchase complete the trio head to one other person.
Fence: Who are they?
Rach: From home.
Dep: Who is this dicklick?
Rach: He knows who I am.
Dep: He what!?
Rach: Long story tell you later. Got to finish out your guy's loadout.
Fence: Whatever you need.
Grace: Got any snipers here?
Fence: Yep.
Dep: Mags and ammo?
Fence: Yep.
Rach: Fence has everything. And I do mean EVERYTHING.
Claire and Grace look through his list and pick. Claire gets an M9A3 (with some mags), 4 60 round Magpul PMAG D-60 mags, 4 PMAG GEN M3 W 30 mags, and 300 rounds of M885 5.45X45mm.
Grace gets a Knights Armament SR-25, modifying it with a 20in barrel, at the end an adapter for a SilencerCo Hybrid 46 suppressor (with said suppressor). A URX-4 handguard with Magpul M-LOK 4.1in guide for a Fortis Shift Tactical grip. Her scope is a Valday PS-320 1X/6X. The pistol grip is an HK Ergo PSG-1 style pistol grip. The stock is an F93 Pro Stock. She throws in 6 KAC 20 round mags and 6 F5 MPX drum mags. Rachel gets her an FN 5-7 pistol with a threaded barrel for a Gemtech SFN-57 suppressor. Rachel and Grace use the same ammo type so Rachel will just share with Grace but gets Grace some mags for her 5-7 and 100 round of SS190 for her 5-7. And gets both of them Sordin headphones like she has and the same Armasight NVGs she has.
Rachel: You guys are expensive but it is worth it.
They head back to the hideout and wait for their stuff. When it arrives they unpack it to make their adjustments.
Grace: This is the finest gear I have ever used.
Dep: Scary to think about what the Peggies would have done with this equipment.
Rach: My firing range is calling guys.
Grace and Claire used some other ammo Rachel has around to sight their weapons. Grace doesn't take long however Claire is having trouble.
Dep: What is with this short foregrip?
Rach: Got too use a thumb under or overgrip Dep.
Dep: A what?
Grace: I will show you Deputy.
Since Grace has far more combat experience then Claire she shows her some CQB techniques, despite being a sniper by trade. Grace did the same for Rachel.
Grace: What you have here is a CQB rifle with a mid-range scope Deputy. Good for indoor and close up fights but can do long-range shooting. That backup sight is for closer ranges.
Dep: I see... got to hold the rifle differently too use the sight as well.
Grace works with Claire while Rachel naps.
Dep: How can she do that?
Grace: When I was in Afghanistan I learned to sleep were ever you could in the field. You learn to do it.
Rachel naps for about 30 minutes. While she does they look over her gear.
Grace: These are the only 3 guns she has.
Dep: Seems this is her Sig Sauer... she modified it.
Grace: Her rifle is an M1A but one with a chassis I never have seen before.
Dep: And what the hell is this thing?
*roughly 30 minutes later*
Rach: That is a shotgun Dep... and that is my Archangel Miss Armstrong.
Dep: A shotgun?
Rach: Based on the AK series. Fires AP slugs.
Grace: Armor Piercing?
Rach: Goes through Level 4 armor. One tapped guys through face shields with that ammo.
Dep: Uh-huh...
Grace: And you said this is your Archangel?
Rach: Yep. Used make Angels... now I carry an Archangel around. Life is funny sometimes. And I see her along with you
Dep: Yep. Your MP5 too.
Rach: Where is it?
Dep: Willis has it.
Rach: She isn't ready for combat here Dep. Leave her here for now. I got my new... ish toy. If you will excuse me, I got to see if there is work to do. Lock the door behind me.
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