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Thursday, 5 March 2020

EFT/FC5 cross over fanfiction: Bounties Pt. 2; Killa

Map of Interchange

Racheal takes a few days too prepare too go Interchange too find Killa and kill him for Jaeger. However Jaeger has one more meeting with her too discuss things...

Jaeger: What kind of battle field experience do you have?
Racheal: Forest, mountain and marine environments.
Jaeger: Urban? Indoor?
Racheal: This place is giving me an education on such subjects.
Jaeger: Good. Do you like shopping?
Racheal: Depends.
Jaeger: Killa is at a mall. Rather large one. He has made it a slaughter house. He kills anyone and everyone that enters. USEC and BEAR have a trouble with him. If there is anyone thing they agree on... is getting rid of him. Here is a map. Study it learn it.... however a word of caution.
Racheal: What?
Jaeger: Time of day does not matter for one, I hear of rumors that USEC and BEAR are going into the mall. For your sake I hope only you have Killa too deal with.

The map Racheal has is in Russian but it gives a general layout of the mall. "The place is big... Killa could be anywhere. Better plan accordingly." Racheal decides too carry as much ammo on herself as she possibly can. So she takes 1+5 round mags for her Sagia, 1+6 20 round mags for her Archangel and 1+3 for the Sig Sauer. She adds the 2 10 round and 2 20 mags too backpack. They can't fit into her chest rig however. So she places them into the pockets of her Oakley backpack, when low or out of ammo she will simply drop them on the ground and either reload from her backpack or chest rig.

Racheal: I hope too use my smaller mags last but my life means more then a 2000 rouble mag.

She throws in some extra ammo (12 gauge, 7.62mm and 9mm AP 6.3) into her backpack as well as some water and medical supplies. The rest of her gear is unchanged. Since Racheal is working for Jaeger, she doesn't have too worry about Gregory or his boss bothering her. Should she succeed, she will be well compensated. A fellow Hunter takes Racheal too the NW section of the Ultra Mall area.

"Okay... all I can say is good luck."
Racheal: Yeah...
"Another one of us will be waiting for you past Emercom Checkpoint southwest of the mall."

With the Hunter gone she loads her weapons and sets off toward the mall. She uses all available cover as possible as she does. As she gets near a part of the mall the has a big IDEA sign on it she sees a group of PMCs. Through her Archangels scope she notices they are not USECs. A patch on their arms indicate that they part of the other side in this conflict.

Racheal: BEARs..... They are headed inside.... might as well follow them. Might just flush out Killa.

6 BEARs are in the group, they enter the mall and split up. 3 go up the stairs and 3 head into the car park under the mall. Racheal sticks with the 3 headed up stairs. She pauses at the top of the stairs...

Racheal: Oh fuck... look at how open it is. Can't stay here and I can't follow them. *sigh* Might as well head toward those shops.

TTS and Trend are the first stores she sees. All the doors at TTS are locked, so she tries Trend...

Racheal: Well might as well listen for a bit... see what happens.

Hiding behind a desk she waits and listens for anything or anyone. When she think she hears something, she pokes her head above the counter...

Racheal: (Shit!!!)

Right outside the window, with black helmet and tan body armor is Killa peering through the windows. And he carrying a rather big machine gun...

Racheal: (Oh fuck.... I can't fight him here. I don't know if that glass is bullet proof. I-)

Gun fire rings out from somewhere, Killa mumbles something and takes off toward the sounds. She leaves the store but when she exits she can't see him.

Racheal: Fucker moves fast for carrying such a big gun.

Swinging left past stairs heading up, she leap frogs from store too store. Entering a store named Viking, once again hiding behind some desks.

Racheal: Place is big... plenty of places too ambush from this floor and the one above.

Exiting Viking she looks down the hall and sees a figure at the far end. Raising her Archangel she fires on the figure. The first shot misses but shot after that drops figure however she doesn't know if it was Killa or not. As she gets closer she can tell it isn't Killa. The store next too her (Mantis) is open so she checks it out. She sees some stuff worth taking but she still leaves enough room for Killa's helmet. All is quiet however so she checks out a large fire inside one of the bigger stores. As she crosses the open she takes fire from somewhere but she can't tell from where due too the sound echoing all around and bullets missing.

Racheals: Cash registers aren't bullet proof. Better locate jackass real quick.

Muzzle flashes are visible from a store called Bizarro. Racheal unloads her Archangel into the store from her angle. While reloading, yielding is heard from the store followed by a lot of shooting. She moves toward "Pretty Lights." While doing so she comes under heavy fire from the other side. Round after round is fired at her...

Racheal: What the fuck as this guy got a bullet hose!?

She doesn't dare expose herself. Even with the Sordin headphones the sound is overwhelming her then silence. After what seems like forever she hears metallic tapping sounds...


Moving faster then she ever has before, she exits Pretty Lights as the grenade explodes and heads up stairs too the second floor. Gun fire erupts below as Racheal hides in a coffee shop.

Racheal: Jesus Christ!!! I almost bought it... I can't face Killa head on... got too trick him somehow.

She decides too throw her backpack down too the 1st floor and see if Killa picks it up. He is a Scav after all and may like what is inside. She positions herself so that she can see where it is. After a while she slowly heads down the escalator too the 1st floor, full well knowing Killa is still down there. All she can see are dead bodies and empty shell casings.

Racheal: Don't play mind games with me you fuck... I am better at it then you are.

Taking off her Balaclava, revealing her face too anyone that sees her. Putting her hair in a ponytail and her Sordins back on her starts looking for Killa. After checking out some other stores she heads for IDEA. One of the 3 big department stores in Interchange. She spends some time looking but doesn't find Killa. Leaping frogging from store too store she enters another large department, OLI. Creeping around...

Racheal: Got you.

Through the maze of empty shelfs and litter is Killa, looking around for someone or something. Trying too get closer too end him in one shot she brushes against a shelf unit. Killa wipes around and sees Racheal and they lock eyes. Normally Killa would unload on anyone he sees, USEC, Scav, BEAR doesn't matter too him. However seeing Racheal, a female no less gives him pause. All of the innocent civilians in Tarkov are gone, women obviously with them. There are very few female Scavs around but no PMCs.

Racheal: Ты, должно быть, Килла (You must be Killa)

Being in Tarkov for as long as she has and using Faith in the world of the Bliss Racheal has picked up on some Russian. Though only the very basic stuff and she still can't understand it very well. Reading Killa mannerisms she can tell he understood her. She then points too him and makes the throat slash sign like "You are done." Killa raises his machine gun, ready too fire but Racheal beats him too the punch and fires first, hitting his helmet. She then takes off, while dodging Killas return fire. Then begins a game of cat and mouse between Racheal and Killa.

Killa presses his advantage; his speed. Whenever Racheal gets behind cover Killa pushes toward her spot, forcing her too fall back while shooting at him. Killa used too be an athlete before the shit went down so he has that for him. Racheal has an advantage of her own; her size. Racheal is short for her age. Combined with all the cover around Interchange Racheal is hard too hit. Their game is interrupted by the other 3 BEARs (who went through the unground car park and out back but came back inside when they heard the gun shots). All parties involved are on the 2nd floor. Racheal is in Burger Spot, Killa is another store toward southern entrance of Burger Shot and the BEARS are near the stairs going too the 1st floor. Each are taking pot shots at one another. Racheal manages too kill one of them, however Killa is having a harder time. Racheal uses this chance too exit Burger Shot from the other way, leaving Killa too fight on his own. Killa does kill the other 2 BEARS and then goes too Burger Shot. The only thing there is litter and the spent mags Racheal dropped during the fighting. Killa looks around the 2nd floor and finds nothing. He returns too the 1st floor too continue searching. Sometime later he is near some stores when he takes incoming fire. However whom ever is shooting at him is hiding really well using a suppressed weapon. Killa is wounded in his legs and falls too the ground. He tries too fire in any direction but has his gun shot out his hand. He moves too a planter, resting and bleeding from his legs heavily. From under a military truck Racheal emerges, her Sig Sauer trained on Killa.

Killa's injuries are bad and he isn't putting up a fight anymore. Racheal kneels in front of him...

Racheal: Дай мне свой шлем. (Give me your helmet)

Killa take off his helmet and sets it down next too him. Racheal picks it up...

Racheal: Это все, за чем я пришла. Скавс может завести тебя. (This is all I came for. The Scavs can have you.)

With her prize Racheal goes too get her backpack. However when there she finds it is gone. "Fucking Scavs. I hope you enjoy it cunts." She searches the bodies of one of the BEARS downed form before and finds a Camelbak Tri-Zip backpack. With her prize she decides too loot the BEARs from before. She takes optics, laser sights, flashlights and anything else worth value too recoup what she lost when losing her backpack. When finished she heads for the southeast corner of Interchange and leaves with the help of a Hunter. She soon meets with Jaeger.

Racheal: Here you go.
Jaeger: Well done. Here is your reward.
Racheal: Thanks.
Jaeger: Hope we can work can work together again.
Racheal: Yeah.

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