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Thursday, 5 December 2019

EFT/FC5 crossover: The Aquantience + new toys and upgrades

Plot: Racheal meets a new trader courtesy of Mechanic and prepares too take her first job from him (As well as getting too know each other a bit). And she upgrades one of her weapons and buys one. And tensions at home reach a breaking point but unlikely person brings calm.

Racheal has had a few days too rest since her last raid in Tarkov. With the money giving by Ragmen for the Golden TT pistol Racheal has bought herself more food and ammo. Gregory never got a chance at taking any of the 150,000 thousand because Ragmen hid it for Racheal. Racheal also turned some her Roubles into US Dollars for Peacekeeper since he only takes American money. However her leisure time is interrupted by Gregory.

Racheal: Mechanic wants me?
"Yes Pretty Face."
Racheal: Well this is out of the blue... what for?
"Made no mention of anything but he payed for you."
Racheal: How much?
"Enough Pretty Face. Come and bring your stuff too."

Gregory takes Racheal too Mechanic. When there Mechanic tells Gregory too piss off and leave them alone too discuss business.

Racheal: So Mechanic... what is this about?
Mechanic: You have done good work for me. Recently I have a friend contact me and it has been awhile since we last spoke.
Racheal: Get too the point...
Mechanic: He is trader like the rest of us. He is also a survivalists'. Are you familiar with those types?
Racheal: Know a few of them. Good people.
Mechanic: Indeed. Since you have built trust with me and my friend is in need of jobs done around here. I'd be willing too let you see him. But you have too do something for me?
Racheal: What?

Mechanic hands Racheal a picture of a hunting stand in the Woods area.

Mechanic: That is one of his hunting stands... there is a message for me. Get it and you can go and meet him. One of my associates will take too there. Be fast though. In and out.
Racheal: Thought you like too work alone?
Mechanic: Just because I enjoy solo work doesn't mean I can't make some friends around here. Now go, quickly.

Mechanic's associate takes Racheal back too the Woods area. It only takes her 10 minutes too find the message and leave.

Mechanic: Good job. Stick around... this shouldn't take long.

*A few hours later*

Mechanic: He will meet with you. Good thing it is night out.
Racheal: How he will know it is me?
Mechanic: I told him too "look for a white rifle."

Heading back she looks in the Woods for Mechanic's buddy. Through her NVGs she sees a fire through some trees. Quietly heading toward it she sees a man. She looks too her body camera.

Racheal: No offense guys, turning the camera off. Private business and I would never reveal the traders faces. Sort of a unspoken NDA.

Switching the camera off she gets closer too the man.

"Come on in warrior."
Racheal: You saw me coming?
"You do pretty well moving at night but you still leave trace of yourself."
Racheal: I see.

Taking off her NVGs she sits down on a log.

"Let me see your face."
Racheal: Tell me your name first.
"Fine. Kharitonov Ivan Egorovich. But you just call me Jaeger."
Racheal: Fine... Hunter.
Jaeger: You know what my name means...
Racheal: Of course.

Racheal reveals her face too Jaeger.

Jaeger: So you where the one with that PMC.
Racheal: You where watching us?
Jaeger: The moment you stepped foot in my reserve I knew you where different.
Racheal: How so?
Jaeger: The way you walk-
Racheal: Excuse me!?
Jaeger: I must apologize... for myself and my friend. He did say "look for a white rifle" but also said "This person walks a particular way."
Racheal: *annoyed* Your friend... is very detail oriented.
Jaeger: Again... my apologizes. You are very feminine... yet a tomboy. And yet still you fight very well. You know the forest. You know how too move in the forest.
Racheal: Where I am from there are plenty of trees.
Jaeger: You are American. Yet you are trained very well I might add.

Racheal gets comfortable... she has a feeling she will be here a while.

Racheal: So... what work do you want done?
Jaeger: No offense. But want too know you a bit more. People around here are well... difficult.
Racheal: *Sigh* Fine.
Jaeger: What is your most favorite hobby?
Racheal: I like too hunt.
Jaeger: A very noble hobby.
Racheal: Indeed.
Jaeger: Why do you like it?
Racheal: Being one with nature. You use all your senses too track your prey. Mother Nature gives clues. And... everyone leaves me alone.
Jaeger: Hm... fair enough. Now for what work I need done. There is plenty. And since you the first person I have met. You can either get something easy... or hard.
Racheal: Hard.
Jaeger: I know you killed Reshala… and didn't hand over the Golden TT pistol too me.
Racheal: 1. You weren't around and 2. Gregory's boss got out bid. Got an issue? Take it up with Ragmen.
Jaeger: Whatever. Heard of a Scav named Killa?
Racheal: Who the fuck is that?
Jaeger: A cancer of this land. He runs around on Interchange. A huge mall. A great place too be during the good times. Now... it is hell.
Racheal: Take it you want him dead?
Jaeger: Yes. Kill him. Rid this land of him. But it will not be easy. Do you accept?

Racheal stands up and puts her gear back on. "Of course."

Jaeger: I will have one of my hunters escort you out. Do not worry about your "boss." I will handle him. Oh and when you kill him... bring me his helmet. That is prove he is dead.

A hunter quickly arrives and escort Racheal out. The following morning one of Fence's people contacts Racheal, letting her know of some brand new gear that has just arrived.

Racheal: So nice of you... giving a girl first dibs.
Fence: You are one of my best buyers. Figured I would get you a first look.

*The weapon she looks at is one she never seen before*

Racheal: Well... this is new.
Fence: Called the FN P90. From Belgium. Fires a 5.7mm round. Good against most types of body armor. Fast firing too. Can be used by left and right handed people.
Racheal: Hm... I will pass.

*The next weapon is similar too the P90.*

Fence: The FN 5-7pistol. Fires the same round as the P90. Carries 20 rounds itself.
Racheal: Will keep this one in mind.

*The last weapon is one she is familiar with. With the Deputy using one once*

Racheal: M9.... not bad.
Fence: It is the A3 model.
Racheal: I will take it. But keep it as a backup.
Fence: Thanks. Anything else?
Racheal: Yeah, would like too upgrade my Sagia.
Fence: Whatever you need.

Racheal buys a Hexagon 12k sound suppressor, Zenit RK-3 AK pistol grip, SOK-12 MTU002 Long Top Hand Guard w/ Fortis Shift tactical grip and a NcStar Tactical blue laser LAM-Modul. She also adds 2 SAI-02 10-round mags, 2 MaxRounds Powermag 20 round Drum mags and a Oakley Mechanism heavy duty backpack.

Along with the M9 her purchase is pricey but she can afford it. She head back home and upgrades her Saiga with the mods she bought. She test fires it at the shooting range.

Racheal: Holy shit... this feels so much better. So much more comfortable and easier too use. Not a fan of laser sights but I will use it if a have too.

Racheal turns on her body camera and shows off her new toys too everyone back home. Mean while back at Hope County tensions are raising too a boiling point. Jess and Tracey are going at it almost daily after Jess accused Tracey of helping Racheal become Faith, The Deputy is at her wits end with everything and is starting too act out against those who are happy Racheal is gone and just overall interactions with people are becoming strained. Sheriff Whitehorse calls people for a meeting at Fall End in an attempt too calm things.

Whitehorse: Okay normally I am the one thinking straight here but let me frank with all you; things HAVE too calm down around here. You guys are at each others throats.
Tracey: I would be calm... if the huntress bitch would shove a dick in her mouth.
Jess: Fuck off thunder cunt.

Jess and Tracey briefly argue before they are separated.

Whitehorse: Now too those of you are glad Racheal is gone... she didn't deserve it. Outside powers toke her-
"I don't care. I am glad that fucking bitch is gone. For all she did too me and my family. She can rot over there."
"Yeah she toke my husband away from me. She changed my kid... he still wonders where she is."
"Why in the hell is the Deputy defending her? Why? She should have fucking killed her!"

Many people begin too agree openly but there those who disagree as well. Accusations begin too be thrown around. Whitehorse, having had enough begins threating people with arrest if they don't calm down. Fighting is about too erupt...

"Would you guys just shut the fuck up!"

Everyone stops and turns around. Standing with a megaphone in one hand and a beer in the other is Sharky Boshaw.

Sharky: You guys are killing my buzz damn it. You know let me explain something too everyone. Yeah, Racheal was Faith... or Faith was Racheal... anyway. Whatever girl issues her and the Deputy worked out in the land of Bliss Racheal came out a changed girl. Before that she was flirty and shit. Trying too get me too join Eden's Gate and she sent all her Angels too me and made them dance too the best music God ever created.

*Takes a drink*

Sharky: Now eh... where was I? Oh yeah. Now after word Racheal set fire too all that Bliss shit, blew shit up, shot shit and just generally shit all over Eden's Gate. Now does that make her? Well as far as I see it... one of us. She fought with us, bleed with us and sacrificed with us. Hell I know she has changed.

"How can you be so sure?"

Sharky: Because one night I followed her out when she went hunting. Now I will admit I am not smartest person in the world but she how did her thing that night... well it was sight too be hold.
Jess: Thought of fucking her Sharky?
Sharky: Hell no Jess. She stalked a fucking deer for hours. Hell a couple a times I wanted too yell "JUST SHOT ALREADY!!!" but nope she waited. Just waited and followed. And when she finally down that deer, caught it right above the eye. Fuck I got hard watching it.

"That is disgusting."

Sharky: Yeah well that is how it happened. I can't control what my body does. Anyway... I managed walk near her when she was carving that deer up and let me tell you guy... she sacred me too fucking death.

*takes another drink*

Sharky: Fuck... almost out of beer. She had some face paint on and her eyes... boy those eyes. She wasn't staring at me... she staring through me. I didn't see Faith I saw something else. Someone more dangerous. Faith could only turn your brains into Jell-O. Racheal will just shot you in your brains or something.

"Your point Sharky?"

Sharky: Point?... oh yeah well. Far as I see it she helped end the Peggies. She is part of this community... a community that has turned its back on select people. Racheal is one of them. Now I suggest you dicklicks get over yourselves. She was born here, bleed here, fought here and lives here. She is part of this community and the fact that she feels the need too keep too herself should tell you something about the people here.

*Finishes off the beer*

Sharky: Where ever she is. I hope she is mind fucking and shooting fucking dudes. I have Faith she will come back.... well now I don't feel like getting buzzed again. Might as well go home then. Catch you peeps later.

Everyone is rather stunned at Sharky's words. The crowd soon dissipates and everyone goes home.

Whitehorse: Never thought Sharky would say something like that.

The next day after the Deputy watches Racheal being a happy nerdy girl showing off her new stuff, the Deputy meets up Sharky.

Dep: So I heard you gave the towns folk an ear full last night Sharky.
Sharky: They where hooting and yelling and shit. Killing my buzz... so I told them off.
Dep: Did you really mean those things though?
Sharky: Yeah... I did. My life hasn't been easy too Dep. I respect her. Girls got balls.
Dep: Wish more people were like you Sharky.
Sharky: Yeah well... this community has some apologizing too do Dep. Not that Racheal would want too hear it.

Racheal begins getting ready for her trip into a place she has never set foot before in her life...

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