Racheal is running, too where even she doesn't know. She is just running away.
Faith: Why are you running Racheal? Running from your punishment? Running from your guilt? Running from everyone and everything you have ever known because you are scared?
She has been running for a few miles when her legs give out when she trips over a rock in a forest area. Landing face first into the ground. Her lungs burn as does her legs as she gasps for air, Faith stands over her.
Faith: Where is the Racheal I know? Where is the Racheal that bested me without firing a shot, that stood strong against her own family? I see a weak person right now. Eating dirt like a dog...
Racheal rolls over and fires a shot from her MS16 at Faith but the bullet goes right through her.
Faith: Fine... I will leave you too be bear food.
Faith disappears into a cloud Bliss. Racheal catches her breath but doesn't feel like moving. Her mind is blank as she looks through the clouds at the sun.
Racheal: I wanted too... but I couldn't. For all he did too me... I couldn't do it. Why did I show mercy too a man who gave so many no mercy?
Suddenly a bear is heard in the distance. Racheal is too deep in thought too notice until the bear is right near her.
Racheal: No I will not be bear food.
However she remembers lesson from Bo Adams on playing dead and wait for the bear too leave. So Racheal does just that. The bear begins sniffing her feet and works its way up until her face.
Racheal: (Jesus Christ... just eat me already!!!!!)
Instead of being eaten, the bear begins licking her face... a lot.
Racheal: (The fuck!!! Can't I die in peace!?)
Racheal opens her eyes as the bear continues licking her face. The bear stops and stares at her before making a happy grizzly bear noises.
Racheal: (Is that....)
Racheal sits up and bear starts licking her face again... Racheal then figures out who the bear is.
Racheal: Cheeseburger!!! Come here you big teddy bear!!!
Racheal hugs Cheeseburger, both are overwhelmed too see each other again. Racheal then has another visitor, rubbing her back.
Racheal: Peaches!!!!!
Racheal begins crying, she hasn't seen them in days. The animals are happy too see their figurative owner again. Racheal then feels a sudden sense of ease. These two will not judge her, no matter what. They don't care, they just love her. Racheal stands back up, leaning against Cheeseburger.
Racheal: I can't walk big guy, my legs are done.
*Cheeseburger motions for her too hop on his back, which she does*
Racheal: I need time too think.... come on you two these way. No running Cheeseburger, I got nothing too hold on too.
The trio head too a place of privacy. While they do The National Guard has arrived at Josephs Compound with the Feds in tow. Joseph is arrested and taken too a hospital for treatment of his wounds. The Feds interview everyone quickly as one agent says "We have all the evidence we need too lock him for a long time."
Whitehorse: It is over Rook... we won.
Deputy: Yeah we did.
Hudson: What is up with you?
Deputy: Racheal... obviously.
Hudson: Can't see her not joining Joseph in jail for what she has done.
Tracey: I doubt that will happen. The Deputy found evidence that supports Joseph being the one who forced her too do those things.
Hudson: Still made the choice.
Pratt: Fear is a great motivator. Jacob made me his bitch because I was scared of him. I guess I should go join them too huh Hudson?
Hudson: Are you defending that witch?
Pratt: The Sheriff can throw my ass in jail for doing what I did too others.
Whitehorse: You are right. I could... but I will not. Pratt helped commit crimes.
Hudson: I don't believe this...
Deputy: Get over yourself Hudson. Either help me find her or get the fuck out of the way. But I think I know where you stand.
The Deputy storms off with Tracey in tow. With Joseph taken care of the National Guard begin sweeping Hope County for the rest of the Peggies. A few hours later Racheal, Cheeseburger and Peaches arrive at Prosperity. The same place in which Racheal learned how too shot and defend herself with The Deputy before taking off. Racheal gets off Cheeseburger and looks around. She ends up finding a guy named Tweak.
Tweak: Say... aren't you that cops cute friend? The cop is cute too.... lucky me. I know 2 cute girls hehe.
Racheal: (Jesus I remember this guy. He helped me and Feeney make the Bliss.)
Tweak: Say you look kinda familiar as well.... aren't you...
Racheal: No... not really.
Tweak: I mean you look kinda like...
Racheal: I get that a lot.
Tweak: Oh well... okay then. Say you too try some "Performance enhancing drugs"? That cop tried them and she didn't die.
Racheal: *raises her MS16 too Tweaks face* How about I just shot you in the face instead?
Tweak: Well... I guess that is a.... no then. Why are you here anyway? Saw copters fly overhead a while ago.
Racheal: Here too get away.
Tweak: They ain't chasing you are they?
Racheal: Nope.
Tweak: Good. Well enjoy your stay!
*Tweak wonders off*
Racheal: How he survived this long is amazing. He has no brains and would suck as an Angel. God protects stupid people I guess. *looks up* Sorry but you do. Myself included.
At the end of the runway in the center of town and behind some trees and bushes Racheal finds 3 school buses. She decides too live here. She heads too town and 'barrows' some wood from the old buildings and makes a shelter in one of the buses. Too her luck she finds an old sleeping bag and some ammo for her weapons. For the next 2 weeks Racheal lives off the land with Peaches and Cheeseburger. When the National Guard search the area she hides. They report they find a shelter but find Tweak nearby they assume it is him. One night she is sound asleep, Peaches and Cheeseburger are out in the county. She hears a sound that wakes her up. She listens carefully until she hears it again.
Racheal: That is no animal.
Racheal keeps her MS16 next too her makeshift bed, she checks the chamber and slowly raises out of her bed. She looks out the windows but can't see anything with no moon light too aid her. The sounds move past her bus and too other ones (Racheal made each bus look the same with boards covering windows and stuff). She looks in between the boards she has in her bus and sees a shadowy figure looking in the one furthest away. The figure enters the bus by moves some boards out of the way. Quietly Racheal exits through a window and gets too the bus and looks in. The figure is looking for something... perhaps herself.
Racheal: Hands in the air right now!
*The figure obeys her command*
Racheal: Back up too the sound of my voice.
*Again the figure obeys*
Racheal grabs the figure and pulls them outside into the open. Racheal sees a side arm and takes it. Checking the pistol it is loaded but the safety is on...
Racheal: Trying kill me eh? Nice try. And you can't kill someone with the safety on dipshit.
"This 'dipshit' was trying too give you your pistol back."
Racheal knows that voice well. The figure turns around and turns on a flashlight...
Racheal: Dep?
Deputy: Hey... Sup? Nice place you have here.
*She sits down next too the fire pit Racheal made, which is still warm with embers*
Deputy: Mind if I make another fire?
Racheal just stands there speechless. She never expected too see the Deputy here again.
Racheal: Why are you here?
Deputy: Too find you obviously.
Racheal: Too arrest me I see....
Deputy: Do have you have cuffs on you right now?
Racheal: No.
Deputy: Good. Cuz I didn't bring any.
*Racheal sits down next too the fire pit as the Deputy makes another fire*
Deputy: I figured you would be here. I started your training here.
Racheal: I haven't forgotten.
Deputy: From where you were too where you are now.... I amazed at you Racheal.
Racheal: I am not going back.
Deputy: The hell you aren't..
Racheal: I have done terrible things too people.
Deputy: Under threat yourself.
Racheal: I still did those things.
Deputy: Okay Hudson whatever your say
The pair trade Racheal negativity with the Deputies positivity. The back and forth continues for some time until Racheal has had enough.
Racheal: Just let me go!
Deputy: Fine I will.
The Deputy draws a pistol on Racheal (She had it hidden in her waist band). Racheal responses in kind and at the pair stand gun too gun with the fire between them.
Deputy: I have forgiven you. Doesn't my opinion mean anything too you?
Racheal: Yes it does. But...
Deputy: Who cares what others think? Get out your head and way Racheal. You are NOT going too jail and you will not be punished.
Racheal: I deserve too be punished.
Deputy: Pastor Jerome doesn't think so. In his eyes God has forgiven you.
Racheal: …….
Deputy: I was still on my Bliss trip when from the heavens a ray of sunlight shined down on you. Even Joseph made mention of it. Coming from a man who called me "hell" when I first arrived here. He called you "Gods right hand."
*Racheal lowers her weapon, the Deputy follows suit*
Deputy: Joseph Seed will live the rest of his days in a max security prison. You are free.
Racheal: How can a persons soul be free from what holds them down?
Deputy: Faith roams around doesn't she?
*Racheal is perplexed at that statement*
Deputy: I can't see her but I know for some reason she is around here. You and I are connected through Faith Racheal. We are the same with similar experiences are we not?
Racheal: We are...
*The Deputy walks over too Racheal and lowers her pistol*
Deputy: Then take your past life experiences and use them too push you forward. Living out here is great but you need people who love and care about you. You turned Tracey around.... make her the first step. I did the same thing. If Faith can roam free then so can you.
Faith: It is true Racheal.
Deputy: Come on. The Resistance is going too give you Johns house. Come on back too town.
Racheal: Peaches and Cheeseburger... I am not leaving without them.
Racheal and Deputy wait until morning when the pair return. Everyone then goes back too Falls End. From that time too 3 months later Joseph Seed is put too trail and is given a life sentence without parole. Deputy finishes Racheals training (though she really doesn't need it) and gets additional training from Grace and Jess respectively. Peaches and Cheeseburger are officially hers and she fully moved into Johns old house and becomes a Prepper of sorts. However there would be a period where Racheal would bury the past and celebrate the future. Racheal would go see Joseph at maximum security prison in Colorado. With a guard escort she goes through the prison too the court yard outside. Joseph is giving a sermon too the inmates. Preaching Gods word too them. She watches for a while before Joseph sees her...
Joseph: And there.... there is a child whom God has forgiven.
The inmates turn too Racheal, whom just stands there eyes locked on Joseph. After the sermon she gets too see Joseph face too face for a brief time. Once Joseph gets close too Racheal he can tell she has changed. Physically more toned and in shape. Much more confident and serious then the 17 year old who came into his flock all those years ago and body language that projects a seriousness about her.
Racheal: Hello Father.
Joseph: Hello Racheal.
Racheal: Not Faith too you?
Joseph: Not anymore.
Racheal: Why?
Joseph: When God shined his light on you.... I saw a different person. A person much better then myself. And a person touched by God.
Racheal: So God didn't make you the Chosen One.
Joseph: I still think the Collapse is coming but i'm not the one too lead the world into Eden. And it most certainly isn't you Racheal.
Rachal: Then who Joseph?
Joseph: Only God knows... he isn't telling me anything. But there is one thing I do know...
Racheal: What?
Joseph: You have gained paradise. You have been freed from your sins by Gods light. I myself have much too do in order too be forgiven for what I have done. Though I doubt it I will happen. I had everything and I lost everything. You can at least rebuild.
Racheal stands there and ponders for a moment. "Yeah I can rebuild but it will take a long time. A long time. I lost years of my life at this mans hand.... and I can never get that back." Racheal remains in thought until she remembers 2 things.
Racheal: May confess something too you Father?
Joseph: Go on child.
Racheal: After I fought the Deputy I saw the world end in fire or at least how it would end in fire. So I will agree the world will end but we do not know. I also had another dream.... I dreamt that you had another child....
*Joseph looks too Racheal with a shocked expression*
Racheal: This child will come looking for you... this child will seek your guidance …. your words. The women who would bare your child left because you made me the new Faith.
Joseph: Who is it? Who is it Racheal?
Racheal: I can not say Joseph. And it isn't my place too say but I have a feeling this child will look for you one day. Be prepared.
Before Joseph can say anything the guards take him away. Racheal then whispers "You deserve too know Joseph." She heads back too Hope County where a party is taken place at Fall's End. Racheal however avoids the party and heads back home. She still feels uncomfortable being around a lot of people and feels bad things would happen. As she relaxes there is a knock at her door.
Deputy: Sup girl.
Racheal: Dep?
Deputy: I kinda figured you would avoid the party. So I figured i'd bring just a little bit of it too you.
Behind the Deputy is a truck with stuff in the bed. A grill, steaks, drinks and variety of other things are present. Racheal asks if there is alcohol, the Deputy says "not a chance." The pair unpack the truck and Deputy cooks and prepares the food. All the while Racheal showing off what she has done to Johns house. The hanger is now a workout area with a entrance too a yet too be finished bunker. All the damage she caused is fixed and only rooms she uses are the main living room, master bed room, master bathroom (with 1 extra) and the kitchen. The rest of the house is either for storage or left empty. When everything is ready Racheal and the Deputy park a couple of chairs on the runway and enjoy the food, scenery and nature all too themselves.
Racheal: Who taught you how too cook?
Deputy: Well before I became a cop I was into cooking.
Racheal: You somehow managed too make Spam and fruit taste like it was one of those fancy restaurants.
Deputy: *blush* Oh come on you give me too much credit.
Racheal: Edens Gate never had this shit. Jacob would have had them killed most likely.
*The Deputy almost chokes on her drink from laughing*
Racheal: You need too teach me how too cook.
Deputy: Deal.
The girls enjoy the food and after word are one with their chairs, unable too move at all.
Rachael: That was good.
Deputy: Welcome.
Racheal: Say not i'm complaining... aren't you supposed too be working?
Deputy: Well for the work I have done... Sheriff decided too give me a week vacation.
Racheal: Oh.
Deputy: Since it is the first day... I figured i'd spend it with you.
Racheal: Just one day huh?
Deputy: Well... not really. Got all I need for a stay.
*Racheal lights up with joy*
Deputy: If you don't mind, i'd like too stay for the duration of my vacation.
Racheal can't contain herself and hugs the Deputy. For the next 7 days Racheal and the Deputy would work out together, fish & hunt, do shooting contests and the Deputy teaching her how too cook. Tracey and Jess would also show up but both would get the hint that the Deputy and Racheal don't want too be bothered with anyone else (Dep and Racheal really don't mind seeing them). The Deputy notices Racheal is happy, more so then she ever remember seeing her before. Which makes her remember what Racheal said about her being family and that she trusts her with her life. And that she view the Deputy as a close friend. On the final night her vacation Racheal and the Deputy are in the tower, sight seeing the county with a bright moon above them and cold pop in their hands.
Deputy: Well Rach, what are you going with your life? Got a new lease on it.
Racheal: Well... maybe a motivational speaker or a singer.
Deputy: Would agree with anyone of those.
Racheal: Also hear you guys are a social media thing for the county about gun safety. Mind if I chip in?
Deputy: Sure.
Racheal: Have too ask though... what about the government? I am Faith Seed still.
Deputy: If they don't know you are alive then I wouldn't worry. Besides they never "found" your body. You died in the Bliss. Even if they did find out, I have enough evidence too prove you did it under deress.
Racheal: Well.... who knows how long that will last...
*Deputy puts her hand on Racheals shoulder*
Deputy: If you ever need anything.... let me know. I will be there for you.
Racheal: "Every time a bell rings..."
Deputy: Huh.... what?
Racheal: "An angel gets their wings." I will ask Dep. Don't worry. You know... when I joined the Project I was lost. I had Tracey but I still didn't have much. The Project gave me a code too follow along with a simple life style. In part I see no reason too give up some of what the Project taught me however....
Deputy: ?
Racheal: Not all of modern society is doomed like Joseph believes. Joseph said I Gained Paradise by being touched by God. Far as I see it, I Gained Paradise the moment you fired into the river behind me. When I was at my worst... you are at your best. You are the best thing that has ever happened too me. You are my Paradise Dep. Thank you.
The Deputy breaks down and cries. They share a hug. She cries for sometime until Racheal breaks it up with a little thing that would become theirs...
Racheal: "Every time a bell rings..."
Deputy: *Sniffle* "An Angel gets their wings."
Deputy departs the next day too get back on duty. Lonely and sad that the Deputy isn't there, Racheal packs up some ammo, her MS16 and travels too Rae-Rae's Pumpkin farm too practice too some long range shooting. Racheal would ask for Grace but she is busy so Racheal is left too herself. Buying a some old pumpkins she sets up a shooting range too spend a few hours killing pumpkins from standing, crouching and prone. The owner lets her use an old Russian SVD as well. Sheriff Whitehorse and Tracey arrive at the pumpkin farm. They hear the gunshots and ask what is wrong. The owner says "Miss Jessop is over there shooting, Don't worry Sheriff she came too me and I am okay with it." The Sheriff chats with the owner Tracey looks for Racheal. Soon she does through the trees of a nearby pumpkin patch. Racheal walks back too her shooting spot and reloads her weapons. She doesn't hear Tracey do too her having ear protection on and is possibly listening too music, Racheal is singing softly. Tracey just watches for a while, remembering how Racheal used too be "too nice, too peaceful, not willing too fight. Even when her ass was on the line." But this Racheal is different, much different.
Tracey: If only I dragged her way from them back then.... but I guess it worked out. Look at her now...
*Tracey watches Racheal unload a magazine from her MS16. When she stops too look and takes off her ear protection she approaches her*
Tracey: Not bad.
Racheal: Thanks....
Tracey: Am I bothering you?
Racheal: Nope.
Tracey: Can I stay?
Racheal: If you want...
Tracey: Firing without suppressors now I see?
Racheal: Thank Grace for that.
Tracey: ….
*Racheal raises her MS16, ready too shot down range*
Racheal: Something wrong Tracey?
Tracey: Erm…. huh
Racheal: *fires* Just say it.... I can tell. You didn't come here too say something but you found me and you figured you get something off your chest right?
Tracey: (Jesus Christ.... )
Racheal: Faith is tattle tailing on you.
Tracey: !!!
Racheal: Just kidding. *fires*
Out of the corner of her eye she sees Faith with a razzing look on her face before disappearing. Racheal stands up and safeties her weapon. Turns too face Tracey.
Racheal: Say what you have too say.
Tracey: We already had a long talk before but...
Racheal: But?
Tracey: I see how much have changed. The friend that I left too Eden's Gate without even fighting for you harder is gone now.... and Faith is too. The person standing here is so different from before.
Racheal: It is my fault too. I bought into the bullshit.
Tracey: You did make your bed and slept in it..... but I still should have tried harder. You have no idea how badly I wanted you dead after Virgil died.
Racheal: I have no doubts.
Tracey: Writing me that letter just pissed me off even more. Made me blind. So blind that I made a mistake. Blinded me too what the Deputy saw in you. I never knew what you two went through until she told me. After we talked I did trust you... a little.
Racheal: And now that you have the full picture?
Tracey: Well... i'd do trust you.
Racheal: What about our friendship?
Tracey: I'd... be willing too rebuild it. If you are.
Racheal: Deal...
Racheal unsafties her weapon, puts her head phones on and resumes shooting. Tracey stands there for a few, a bit stunned by sudden end but then remembers what the Deputy told her; "She follows my example I guess. Racheal is action oriented now. Racheal is still open. Got too get used too her." Tracey returns too the Sheriff and they head off around the county. When Racheal is finished she collects her spent brass, returns the SVD too the owner and heads too Falls End for a bite too eat. She walks the distance by the time she gets there it is near dark. The Spread Eagle is open and she enters. No one is in yet so she can pick her spot, though the absence of people is a bit weird.
"Welcome too the Spread Eagle"
A voice snaps Racheal out of her thought. A voice that she isn't familiar with.
"Weapons aren't aloud in here. But since the Deputy speaks highly of you. I'll let it slide."
Racheal turns too see a women behind the bar. Again a person she isn't familiar however seems friendly.
Racheal: Oh i'm sorry Miss...
"Call me Mary May Miss Jessop."
Racheal: Um...
Mary May: Have a seat at the bar Miss Jessop.
Racheal rests her rifle next too her and sits down at the bar.
Mary May: What can I get ya? The Deputy said you are a recovering addict so no heavy stuff for you.
Racheal: Pop is fine.
*Mary May gets a pop and a menu*
Mary May: I will give you a moment.
Racheal reads the menu, anything will taste good right now. A salad first then a steak with potatoes.
Mary May: Made your choices?
Racheal: Salad... then a steak... medium with fries.
Mary May: Coming right up.
Racheal hears her food being prepared, suddenly the door flies open. And two loud dudes enter, Racheal turns too look...
Racheal: (Oh fuck... Hurk and Sharky)
Racheal has heard much of them from the Deputy and well Racheal had lost a lot of Angels too Sharky and his flamethrower. He gave her many headaches during her time as Faith.
Sharky: Hurky,,, crank up the Jukebox. Lets gets this party started!
Hurk: Righto Cuz.
Before her ears bleed, Racheal puts on her earphones and turns on her tunes. Though she feels the loud music in her chest but her tunes drown out what is played. Soon though she stops feeling the loud music and looks. Deputy Hudson is there, giving Sharky and Hurk the business. Removing her earphone too listen.
Hudson: This isn't a rock concert you dicks.
Hurk: Oh come on Deputy... just having some fun.
Hudson: You ain't the only ones here.
*Hurk and Sharky see Racheal but do not recognize her. They approach her but see her rifle next too her and back off. Hudson sees it too*
Hudson: Hey Mary May, I thought weapons weren't aloud here?
Mary May: It is okay Deputy Hudson...
Mary May makes a gesture that it is Racheal. Hudson sits down a few seats away and watches her. Racheals food arrives, it catches her attention. She thanks Mary May, lowers her ear phones and digs in. Racheal knows someone is watching her but doesn't pay them attention, her stomach calls. She is however gently bouncing her head too the beat of her tunes, in her own world.
Hudson: What are you listening too?
*Racheal slights turns her head too Hudson*
Racheal: Variety. Nothing particular Deputy. Thank you for shutting Hurk and Sharky up.
Hudson: Your welcome.
*Hudson moves down next too Racheal*
Racheal: Do you need something Deputy?
Hudson: No.... well yeah. An ear.
Racheal: What?
Hudson: I'm sorry.
Racheal: For what?
Hudson: For punching you in the face.... and trying too kill you. And for my utter ignorance.
Racheal: What is in the past is in the past Deputy Hudson.
Hudson would want too talk too her more but she can tell Racheal really isn't in the mood, perhaps it was Hurk and Sharky. Hudson gets up and leaves. Racheal finishes her food and pays but Mary May says it is on the house. Racheal leaves the money anyway and heads outside. The night air is cool, crisp and refreshing. She finds a chair and sits down too let her food settle, head phones on and relaxes. She look up and down the street and all is at peace, which brings Racheal peace. A peace she hasn't felt before. A peace that she hopes will last. Racheal sees the Deputy patrolling in a brand new squad car and asks for a ride home. The Deputy agree but Racheal wishes too stop somewhere when the Deputy asks where Racheal simply says "I will guide you."
Racheal guides the Deputy too grave yard and she askes for a few minutes. Racheal heads too a pair of graves stones and kneels down.
Racheal: Mom.... Dad. Been a while. I have no flowers and really no kind words for you both. But I will say that I am more then I once was. I am not the abused, weak and naïve little girl I once was. I have overcome what you have put me through... I have overcome what The Father put me through. And I have overcome.... myself. I have a home and a family now. I blew up your home and buried it. I have a lot of repairing too do with the people here. But thanks too the Deputy I have a head start-
Racheal turns around too see the Deputy standing a few feet away. Her face gives a fury of emotions though Racheal can tell none them a negative.
Deputy: I never knew...
Racheal: It isn't something that is meant too be talked about.
Deputy: How did they die?
Racheal: I did it.
*Racheal can tell that the Deputy is floored by the statement.*
Racheal: It is a fact Dep. I killed them. Once I became Faith I got rid of them. That is why I saved Sara. I didn't want her too go through I what went through. Having too do those things.
Deputy: Racheal....
Racheal: Real parents don't abuse their children Dep. My mine did too me. It maybe wrong for me too say but I really don't feel bad about it. They did it for years... until it came the time when I could I fight back against them.
*Racheal returns her attention too her parents*
Racheal: And I plan on using that head start well. This my 3rd chance at this life... I am not wasting it and I will most certainly not waste it thinking of you two. This is the last time you will hear and see me... until I join you in Hell.
Racheal returns too the squad car and waits for the Deputy. The Deputy comes back a few minutes later and takes her home. The Deputy never speaks too Racheal about her parents again and tells everyone else not too as well. The next morning with the bright sunshine shining on her, Racheal Jessop heads too her work area, warms up, hits some tunes and starts her day....
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